PubMan Func Spec Display

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The PubMan application will support different display types of items for lists, which can be selected by the user or defined in user preferences (item list displays).

For the display of a specific item, one view is defined (item version display).

General information on item/item list display[edit]

  • List view: Labels and values are always displayed, even if there is no entry. In the case the metadata value is not provided, the information "no entry" is displayed.
  • Item display: Labels and values are always displayed, even if there is no entry. In the case the metadata value is not provided, the information "no entry" is displayed. If a complete group of Metadata (e.g. source) contains no values , no labels are displayed, just the information "no entry" is displayed.
  • Language flags are only being shown in the view item version.
  • The order and grouping of elements is specified in GUI design.
  • The Labeling of the different display types for lists is specified in GUI design.

Default system settings[edit]

The default system setting for display of lists is short display.

Item list displays[edit]


Status: in design

Schedule: R3



  • If creator is of type person, display: <Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName>, <Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName>
  • If creator is of type organization, display: <Publication.Creator.Organization.Name>
  • Creators are shown in one row and separated by semicolon. They are displayed in the same order as they have been entered.


  • Only one date value is displayed
  • If more than one <date> is available, the display of the dates follows the priority:
<Publication.Date.DateType = published in print>
<Publication.Date.DateType = published online>
<Publication.Date.DateType = accepted>
<Publication.Date.DateType = submitted>
<Publication.Date.DateType = modified>
<Publication.Date.DateType = created>


Number of the Files

  • If a file exists, display a fulltext symbol and show the number of attached files
  • If no file exists, but a reference to an external location, the information, that a reference to a file exists, is provided.


Status: in design

Schedule: R3


Publication.Creator and Publication.Creator.Person.Organization

  • Publication.Creator
    • Please start a new line after each creator. The display of creators might be limeted for the default view, but it should be possible to view all creators also.
    • please display them in the order, they have been entered into the system
    • If creator is of type person, display <Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName>[, ] <Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName>.
    • If creator of type organization, display <Publication.Creator.Organization.Name>
    • If creator is of type person and if the person has an affiliated organization (Publication.Creator.Person.Organization), then display a small number behind the Given Name. This numbers are numerated and beginning with 1.
    • Express the creator role of the creator.
  • Publication.Creator.Person.Organization
    • Display each information in a separate row:


  • all dates are displayed
  • Order of dates:
<Publication.Date.DateType=published online>
<Publication.Date.DateType=published in print>



Publishing Info: <Place>:<Publisher>



  • Publication.Source.Genre
  • Publication.Source.Title
  • Publication.Source.Volume/Publication.Source.Issue
  • Publication.Source.StartPage/Publication.Source.EndPage
  • Publication.Source.SequenceNumber
  • Publication.Source.PublishingInfo

File information

    • For each binary content, display the same fulltext symbol as in short item view. plus additional file information:
<name of file>
<content category>
  • If list is result of a search, display the text fragments with the highlighted search term. The text fragment contains the search term and 10 words before and after the highlighted hit.
    • for an external locator, display following information:
external locator
<content category>

Item version displays[edit]

Item version - all status except withdrawn[edit]

Status: in design

Schedule: R3

Item Details[edit]

The single item version view contains following elements and properties:


  • display the content of the MD field Publication.Title [in font type: bold]


  • Display: Alternative Title: AlternativeTitle


  • Please start a new line after each creator. The display of creators might be limeted for the default view, but it should be possible to view all creators also.
  • please display them in the order, they have been entered into the system
  • If creator is of type person, display <Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName>[, ] <Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName>.
  • If creator of type organization, display <Publication.Creator.Organization.Name>
  • If creator is of type person and if the person has an organization (Publication.Creator.Person.Organization), then display a small number behind the Given Name. This numbers are numerated and beginning with 1.
  • Express the creator role of the creator.


  • Display each information in a seperate row:


  • All dates are displayed.
  • order of dates:
<Publication.Date.DateType = created>
<Publication.Date.DateType = modified>
<Publication.Date.DateType = submitted>
<Publication.Date.DateType = accepted>
<Publication.Date.DateType = published online>
<Publication.Date.DateType = published in print>
  • Display:
Date <DateType>: YYYY-MM-DD


  • Display:
Genre: <Genre>


  • Display:
Language of Content: <Language>


  • Display:
Review type: <ReviewMethod>


  • Display:
Degree Type: <Degree>


  • Display:
Publishing Info: <Place> : <Publisher>
Edition: <Edition>


  • Display:
Total number of pages: <TotalNumberOfPages>


  • Publication.Event.Title
    • font type: bold
    • Display:
Title of Event: <Event.Title>
  • Publication.Event.AlternativeTitle
    • limit the diplay to the first 50 characters
    • Display:
Alternative Title of Event: <Event.AlternativeTitle>
  • Publication.Event.Place
    • Display:
Place of Event: <Event.Title>
  • Publication.Event.StartDate - Publication.Event.EndDate
    • Display: <Publication.Event.StartDate> - <Publication.Event.EndDate>
    • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD - YYYY-MM-DD
  • Publication.Event.InvitationStatus
    • Display: Invited contribution (only if status is invited, then display this field)


  • Publication.Source.Gernre
    • Display:
Genre of source: <Source>
  • Publication.Source.Title
    • font type: bold
    • Display:
Title of Source: <Title>
  • Publication.Source.!AlternativeTitle
    • limit the diplay to the first 50 characters
    • Display:
Alternative Title of Source: <AlternativeTitle>
  • Publication.Source.Creator
    • Display:
Source Creator: [creators as discribed under 3. Publication.Creator]
  • Publication.Source.Volume/Publication.Source.Issue
    • Display:
Volume/Issue: <Volume> (<Issue>)
  • Publication.Source.StartPage/Publication.Source.EndPage
    • Display:
Start/End Page: <StartPage> - <EndPage>
  • Publication.Source.SequenceNumber
    • Display:
Sequence Number: <SequenceNumber>
  • Publication.Source.PublishingInfo
    • Display the fields as described in the follwing order:
Publisher: <publisher>
Place of Publication: <Place>
Edition: <Edition>
  • Publication.Source.Identifier
    • Display:
<IdType>: <identifier>


  • Display:
Subject: <Subject>


  • Display:
Abstract: <Abstract>


  • Display:
Table of Contents: <TableOfContents>


  • If more than one identifier is available, the display follows the priority: <persistent ID>, <system ID>.
  • Display:
<IdType>: <identifier>


  • Display:
Location: <Location>

File information

  • For each file, display the file information: <name of file>, <content category>, <size of file>, <MIME Type>, <file description>, <file visibility> and the same full text symbol as in short item view for lists.

In addition to the MD, please display up to two text fragments per full text file (in which was searched) with 10 words before and after the highlighted hit.

  • For an external locator, display following information:
external locator
<content category>

System details[edit]

    • Affiliated to (context of responsibility)
    • Name of context
    • Last modified (i.e. automatic generated date of the last modification of the item)
      • Display: Item last modified: YYYY-MM-DD
    • Item state
      • Display: Status of item: <value of item state>

Item version - status withdrawn[edit]

Status: in design

Schedule: R3

Item details[edit]

Withdrawal details[edit]

  • an icon for being withdrawn (e.g. thumbstone) and the information "This item has been withdrawn"
  • The withdrawal comment, the withdrawal date

System details[edit]

    • Affiliated to (context of responsibility)
    • Name of context
    • Last modified (i.e. automatic generated date of the last modification of the item)
      • Display: Item last modified: YYYY-MM-DD
    • Item state
      • Display: Status of item: <value of item state>

* Please note, that for withdrawn items, no further actions (i.e. extensions points) are possible (See Use case View item version, Alternative)

* Please note, that files attached to withdrawn items are not accessible. The URI of the external locator is not displayed any longer.

Future developement[edit]

Include in view item version, for Publication.Source, the display of Source in Source.

Display "View release history"[edit]

Current description: "The system displays a list of all released versions of the item. For each entry, the version number and the date of release is displayed. The list is sorted descending by the date of release. The item with the most recent date of release is listed first."

Extension: The same item data as in short display for lists are displayed. the user has the option to access each released version. Each released version is displayd as (UC_PM_BD_04 view item version) without extension points. The user has the option to go back to the view release history view and to the item, from which s/he triggered "view release history".

Display "View revisions"[edit]

Current description: "The system displays a list of all former and a list of all later revisions of the item. Former revisions are items which have a relation of type “HasRevision” pointing to the selected item or items to which the selected item has a relation of type "IsRevisionOf". Later revisions are items which have a relation of type “IsRevisionOf” pointing to the selected item or items to which the selected item has a relation of type “HasRevision”. If a relation description exists, the system displays it. The lists are sorted descending by the date of release of the last released version. The item with the most recent date of release is listed first. The use case ends successfully."

Extension: The same item data as in short display for lists are displayed. The user has the option to access each released revision. Each released revision is displayd as (UC_PM_BD_04 view item version) without extension points. The user has the option to go back to the revision list and to the item, from which s/he triggered "view revisions".


Status: implemented partly (rft_val_fmt|| info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal is hardcoded)

Schedule: R2

In all display types, a COinS has to be provided for each item. A COinS is the representation of bibliographic information for this item in an HTML span element by re-using the key-value elements defined in the OpenURL standard,e.g.

 <span class="Z3988" 

Following values and mapping should be used to create COinS for publication items. The complete COinS needs to be URL encoded:

key value remark
ctx_ver Z39.88-2004
rft_val_fmt info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal
rfr_id info:sid/ name space
rft.genre <Publication.Genre>
rft.atitle <Publication.Title>
rft.title <Publication.Source.Title>
rft.aulast <Publication.Creator.Person.Lastname> of first author only
rft.aufirst <Publication.Creator.Person.Firstname> of first author only <Publication.Creator.Person.Completename> for all users, concatenated by semicolon
rft.issn <Publication.Source.Identifier> or <Publication.Identifier> of type issn
rft.isbn <Publication.Source.Identifier> or <Publication.Identifier> of type isbn
rft_id info:doi/<Publication.Source.Identifier> of type doi
rft.volume <Publication.Source.Volume>
rft.issue <Publication.Source.Issue>
rft.pages <Publication.Source.Pages> <Publication.Date> if more than one publication dates is available only one should be included in following order

<Publication.Date.DateType = published in print> <Publication.Date.DateType = published online> <Publication.Date.DateType = accepted> <Publication.Date.DateType = submitted> <Publication.Date.DateType = modified> <Publication.Date.DateType = created>

More information: