User:Inga/container tocs

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Resources available about containers and tocs:

Open Questions:

  • ESciDoc Container Toc‎ states "Grouping of direct members is not necessary; a hierarchical structure is build by container resources wich are linked as members." -> isn't the toc something like a grouping?
  • ESciDoc Container Toc‎ states "The only reason to provide more than one TOC for a container resource would be to have different selections of the container resource members. It is assumed that there is no use case for different selections of members of one single container.
  • One TOC per container?

Assumptions & :

  • Container members are independent from their container, thus each item/container can be member of n containers.
    -> The requirement that "non-editors" would like to provide individual TOCs for an existing container
  • The TOC is an optional, but integral component/member of the container
    ->Changes in the TOC object should version the container object


  • Synchronizing terms and definitions for
    • container
    • table of contents/tableOfContents/TOC - if the escidoc toc is semantically in sync with the METS concept
    • StructuralMap - if a structural map is the "flat" list of item reference we may consider to derive our term from the METS term "fileSec" (e.g. "Sec")