Talk:Faces Application Profile FacesItem

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Revision as of 10:06, 26 June 2008 by Natasab (talk | contribs)
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--Natasa 09:59, 26 June 2008 (UTC)

  • not clear why File, Person and StudySet (Faces Album) are part of the descriptive metadata of the Faces item
  • It should be somehow diferentiated between descriptive metadata and structural relations more clearly e.g. structural relations should be separately displayed and grouped
  • in addition, "isPartOf" should not be used on FacesItem profile, but on the Faces Album profile to depict structural relations. We will not maintain "isPartOf" on the side of FacesItem, as it can be independently added to many Albums. If we maintain, would mean that each time FaceItem is added to a FaceAlbum we have to actually update the FaceItem metadata.
  • Proposal (for this and other profiles defined in a similar manner): to have two groups in the content
  • Descriptive metadata
  • Structural metadata (structural relations)
    • in the latter case this can be stated like: relation to Faces Album, see <Faces Album Profile Link> for descriptive metadata
  • In case of FacesItem this link should be provided for:
    • Person
    • Files
  • The link to Study set (Album) should not be provided here, except as extra information such as: see also and link to the Album profile description
  • In Album profile description the structural relation as "has Member" should actually be depicted