Talk:Zeitschrift Naturforschung

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This is a protected page.

Implementation approach - work in progress:

Preparatory phase[edit]

August - September 2008

  • Receive digitized backfiles from external provider as PDF/A-1a (some test files)
  • Manual submission
  • testing ingest tool (METS, assignemnt PID)

Phase 1[edit]

September 2008 - Dezember 2008

  • Definition Rights Metadata (license used), implementation in current eSciDoc schema, adaption DCAP
  • Adaption of GUI (browsing tree and item view) and CSS

  • Store digitized material on eSciDoc.
  • Update: Entry point for searching/browsing in backfiles is PubMan, the publisher will link to the PubMan collection

Requirements eSciDoc:[edit]

  • Container Corpus (Journal)
    • Container Volume
      • Container Issue
        • Articles in Issues
  • Ingestion of METS metadata

  • Download PDF from eSciDoc


  • Sent (commented) XML schema and spec to digitization provider (done end of January 2008)
  • We will get METS data; (Andreas sent a request for example datasets to digitization agency (April and May 2008).
  • Clarify CC-BY issue and the granting of rights for use of online-publication
eSciDoc related:[edit]
  1. receive first digitized article pdfs end of may
  2. enter testpdfs manually in testcollection on escidoc3
  3. document requirements for escidoc ingest tool until june
    1. ingestion format (METS)
    2. number of items (180.000 pages, delivered bundled into articles, as PDF/A-1a)
  4. testing ingest tool

Phase 2[edit]


Enable browsing in back files (Journal(Corpus)-Volume-Issue-Article) on eSciDoc.

Deadline: October 2008