Talk:Faces Album Management

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UC_FAC_AM_01 Create album[edit]

User roles to be checked for album creation. See for more infos. --Natasa 10:47, 27 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_FAC_AM_02 Add picture to album[edit]

Comments by Natasa --Natasa 15:46, 25 August 2008 (UTC):
  • the possibility to add pictures to more than a single album can be provided
  • tricky part is to automatically tell user in which albums (with status different from "released", "withdrawn" he has privileges for adding) the picture was already added (toDO: check with FIZ on querying the semantic store) --Natasa 15:46, 25 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_FAC_AM_03 Remove picture from album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_04 Edit album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_05 Delete album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_06 Release album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_07 Withdraw album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_08 Export album[edit]