Talk:Control of Named Entities/eDoc HowTo

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Journal vocab: Documentation of Despoina's work[edit]


Filter text: coalesce(sfxid,)= and rm=0.
Sorting: edoctitle ascending

  1. Run the filter and check each row (search entry in ZDB, Web, etc.). If check in ZDB not successful: check edoc record and google for edoc record title
    1. For entries which are not journals: set rm=1
    2. For entries which appear to be a series (but not a journal): set rm=2
    3. For entries which neither has been found via ZDB or edoc title Google search: set rm=3
    4. For entries which neither has been found in eDoc: set rm=5
  2. Replace journal abbreviations with full-journal name. TIPP: Synchronization in case not certain or in case when journaltitle is abbreviation: check journal abbreviation in ZDB

(PLEASE NOTE: Titles starting with the word "Proceedings" were left out at this phase; they should be dealt with at another point)

SECOND STAGE: PROCEDURE for merging existing journal entries

THIRD STAGE: Define "Ansetzungsregeln"[edit]

  • we will check ZDB, EZB and ISSN Registry for "Ansetzungsregeln"

ISSN Registry[edit]

As they use MARC21/UNIMARC, I suppose they also use AACR. So we should check maybe there.

ZDB cataloging rules[edit]

Queries to match names[edit]

  • Placed on colab, not to loose them
    • The query returns the number of possible authors, and the number of entries in docs.

Those with more entries may possibly have different name variants (for first names).

select substr(p2.uml_idx,1,position(',' in p2.uml_idx)), count(*) from people p2 where p2.col=73 and p2.rm is null and archivalgrp(p2.grp)=1 group by substr(p2.uml_idx,1,position(',' in p2.uml_idx)) order by 2 desc

    • The query returns all mpg authors that match the uml_idx criteria above (extended to mpg only)

select distinct, p1.fname, substr(p1.uml_idx,1,position(',' in p1.uml_idx)) from people p1 where substr(p1.uml_idx,1,position(',' in p1.uml_idx)) in ( select substr(p2.uml_idx,1,position(',' in p2.uml_idx)) from people p2 where p2.col=73 and p2.rm is null and archivalgrp(p2.grp)=1 and p2. mpgpeople=1 group by substr(p2.uml_idx,1,position(',' in p2.uml_idx)) ) and p1.mpgpeople=1 and p1.rm is null and p1.col=73 and archivalgrp(p1.grp)=1 order by 3, 1,2 asc