Talk:ESciDoc Prototyping

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R5 Prototype[edit]

Protoype feedback[edit]

New: Options in Meta Menu[edit]

  1. Feature "Change password"
  2. Change Style

Affiliation History (Clarified with Melanie)[edit]

Changes in Advanced Search (Regrouping, GUI only)[edit]

Administrative Search (Already clarified before R4.1 with Rike)[edit]

Authors and Affiliations (Discussed with Markus H. and Markus M.)[edit]

Other features will be extended, when spec is clear:

institutional visibility access rights (colaborator, audience)

Handover meeting outcome, 29.10.2008[edit]


Agreement: The following will be implemented 'if possible' by the following order of priority:

  1. Table List
  2. Dependent sorting Options between bibl. and table view
  3. Tooltips 1. Step (Depends on resources of SvM). 1. Step means: At least in header area and important elements (Form Buttons, Icons, Menus ...) a tooltip is applied. For the following release tooltips should be available completely to ensure accessibility, see GUI_Accessibility
  4. Org filter
  5. Last released Items

In (Part of the FPT and to be developed for R4)

Browse and Display - Message line syntax: Nr. of Items (Filter Options) - Sorting options in menu of Table View

My Tasks - needs to be revised, renaming needed (check with SvM)

Search - Search string as output text hidden layer under revise search -> Show/Hide (replacing the message)

Submission - No tabs but Skip Links to sources. Skip link navigates to source and opens the group - Item is shown with all sources Order (Matrix will be aligned):

Group: Basic

  • Genre
  • Title

Group: Files

Group: Locator

Group: Creator

Group: Content

  • Free Keywords (hint for separating character
  • Abstract

Group: Details

Date inputs are all shown in Full Submission. In easy submission only one date input will be shown with the option to choose a type (done on client side)

Out (Not to be developed for R4)

Start Page - News box (right side)

Browse and Display - sorting options/ more - sorting by files

Breadcrumb - new logic will not be part of R4 (postponed for bookmarkable searches

View Item Version - Revisions/Release History/... Replace dynamic short views. Jump to Item (Revisions, Releases, ...). To be aligned to current functionality - Withdrawn Item: Should be aligned to R3.8, not like func spec (postponed)

Easy Submission - Import files do not have properties - upload button is useless ("next" triggers upload)

Advanced Serch - Admin search is subject to a later release

Decisions taken

  • Fields displayed (in short-, medium view) derive from the genre matrix. The FPT is only an exemplary visualization.
  • Empty fields (in short-, medium view) are shown without value the term "no entry" will not be shown any more
  • FPT should show total number of pages besides
  • Filters not in search result (not in options menu and actions menu)
  • Wording: View Item version replace "Visibility" -> "Show/Hide"
  • Show/Hide always with corresponding labels (e.g. Show creators)
  • Wording options menu: Viewing Options, Sorting Options
  • Wording: Table List -> Table View
  • Add Select Option: None on this page/on all pages
  • Collection is also chosen by clicking on label (expand click target)
  • Submission shows a message about collection (link to collection description)
  • Add remove needs to be attached to date field in Easy Submission
  • Import: Upload file and fetch external are actions in the action menu
  • Advanced Search: Show/Hide for groups
  • Wording: more/less within groups
  • Advanced Search: Include files also needs "none" (default)
  • Advanced Search: Options for term are: Title, Keywords, any filed, any field plus files,

Next steps As we would like to get a more clear picture of the effort, Markus M. will start working with preparations of JSPFs exclusively for the next two weeks with dev (Presentation/Tobias). At the end of week 44 and next week 45 a status will be given.

R3 Prototype[edit]

Feedback of internal GUI Preview for R3 by UIE

Depositor Workspace

  • Action Menu/Help is now in H1 Title (done)
  • Flags should have a space to the top (done)


  • Only menus should be fixed. The header should not move (done)
  • Submission form should not overlap with action menu (done)
  • Clickable area of radio buttons should cover labels as well (Label for ...) (done)
  • Next/Back buttons for wizard lower (done)
  • Please provide button varieties + alignment of text (vertically centered) (done)
  • @Denise: Colours for input fields (yellow, yellow light) should be redefined (done and implemented)
  • @Denise/Rupert: please unify icons (done)
  • Asterisk should stand left of mandatory fields (done); please add TITLE tag: Mandatroy (Tooltip) (done)
  • Move language box higher (done)
  • margin of labels: margin to above should be bigger than margin between label and field (done)
  • Inline add button should be aligned to bottom of form (done)
  • Add form icon + text font smaller (same font as Labels) (done)
  • Evaluate blueprint css framework (not R3)
  • "Path" label has bigger font-size than other labels (done)

List Display

  • Paginator disabled should be visible (done)
  • Redesign filetypes icons (done and implemented)
  • "Showing" pull down list should be extended to display 3 digit-number (done)

Advanced Search

  • Align checkboxes
  • Show/Hide as links only (Displaygroup)


  • Show/Hide (clearify with dev - no windows)


  • Remove
    above display (done)
  • Align radio buttons (done)
  • Font size for export menu labels is different then for Deposit menu labels (no, because the ones are radio-button-labels and the other are links)

Preview 25.04.2008:

  • Help Icon smaller (done)
  • Hover Effekte in Blau
  • Klammer für Locators überarbeiten (done)
  • Inline Anchors must be available (Page jumps) -> Prio
  • Label "Dateiadresse" für Locator änern (Done)
  • Validation Message (Formatierung fehlt ganz) -> Prio (done)
  • Nach Fileupload und Save erscheint die Gruppe File leer (fixed)
  • Hover für Button Curser fehlt noch (done)
  • EAS Step 3 Radio Button für BibTech zu hoch (done)
  • Mandatory fields with text: (* are mandatory) (done)
  • Radiobuttons für Visibility to narrow (done)
  • Box für uploaded File + Locator (EAS) (done)
  • Add Buttons zu hoch in der Schrifthöhe (done)
  • Show/Hide für öffnen/ (done)
  • Sort Ascending/Descending Button (Buchstabe A verwirrend) (done)
  • Export Mailform Send Back smaller (done)
  • Header Link Advanced Search soll genauso groß sein wie Label vom benachbarter checkbox (?)
  • Menü für Item actions (Revisions ... soll als Metadatenfeld erscheinen) (done)

Feedback from Nijmegen taken by Ulla:

  • workspace (internal areay) vs. "open" area of repository unclear (e.g. scenario searching for pending items)
  • advanced search: oeffnen der einzelnen boxen umstaendlich bzw nicht sichtbar...Nutzer merkt nicht, dass er eigentlich noch boxen oeffnen kann, um nach mehr details suchen zu koennen.
  • Hilfetexte edit mask
  • Pre-selection of all items by default(scenario export)
Proposal: Select items (all, items on this page, none ) pull-down list can be taken to the Export menu completely (R4).--Natasa 09:48, 22 April 2008 (CEST)
  • Systemmessages validation => DCterms are mentioned, are different to GUI labels
  • Icons for selecting different display types not understandable
  • In addition, no icons in item list, just in view item version
  • proposal for short display: short display should be default, can be "enlarged" by clikcing on title
  • Change label "submit" to "submit and release"
  • Workspace: provide "all" in filter for status of items
  • org unit search not clear..what to expect?
  • export: download button not clear, user expects to download the arcticle (connotation "download")