ESciDoc Services:application services

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eSciDoc SOA

SOAP and REST style interfaces
Service layers

Core services
Context Handler · Item Handler
Container Handler
Organizational Unit Handler
User Account Handler
Content Model Handler
Semantic Store Handler

Intermediate services
Validation Service
Statistics Manager
Technical Metadata extraction
Basket Handler
Duplication detection

Application services
Control of Named Entities
Citation style Manager
Fledged Data
PID Cache

SOA Introduction


Application services compose other services from basic, intermediate and application layer and implement business logic from solution-specific domain. They are candidates for future process-centric services to enable the service orchestration.


Depositing service provides operations to deposit content of specific type as a resource in the content repository. It offers content type specific interfaces such as: PublicationItem Depositing, SWB Object Depositing, SWB Collection Depositing, SWB Bundle Depositing. This service is using the respective Item and Container service interfaces offered from the BasicService Layer and implements additional business logic related to concrete business workflows and content type of the resource. Note: this service is implemented via SWORD Server.

Service: Searching[edit]

Solutions searching service provides operations to search for resources of specific content type within the content repository. It offers interfaces such as PublicationItem Searching (only resources content type Publication Item), SWB Searching (only resources of content type SWB Object, SWB Bundle and SWB Collection) and eSciDoc Searching (searches for resources of any content type within repository). This search service provides some predefined query criteria for specific interfaces and is using the Search service interface offered with the Basic Layer.

Service: CitationStyleManager[edit]

This service provides operations for representing a set of items/containers in a specific citation style and specific output format. The internal administrative interface will provide operations for definition of a citation style.


<CandidateService>A service that provides operations for management of content licenses and checking the licenses and rights on the content components (e.g. preprints, abstracts, postprints, etc).

Service: DataAcquisition[edit]

Acquisition Service for fetching data from internal and external sources with an unAPI interface.

Service: Transformation[edit]

This service provides operations to deal with and distribute various textual dataformats.