Talk:PubMan Func Spec OpenURL Mapping

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Revision as of 13:18, 14 April 2009 by Robert (talk | contribs) (→‎COinS versus OpenURL)
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COinS versus OpenURL[edit]


  • +   can be offered for every user (because the selection of link resolver is done by user)
  • +   can be used for other services and not link resolving only
  • -   requires the user to install an extension for his browser


  • -   points to exactly one link resolver or link resolver registry
  • +   can be used without additional installation

Please note that COinS are of advantage if a system does not know to which link resolver a specific visitor belongs to - this is very often the case for free available databases and repositories. Subscription based resources can map users to the institution granting the access. Integrating a lookup in an OpenURL resolver registry could bridge the gap. --Inga 15:25, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

COinS could be nice addition for html output of the CitationStyleManager as well, i.e. Wikipedia automatically adds COinS to all references specified by a specific template, see information in wikipedia --Inga 15:36, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

To understand better, how much the OpenURL metadata distinguish from COINS metadata? From these comments to me seems like COinS is better alternative. --Natasa 07:57, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
there is no difference in terms of (bibliographic) metadata between OpenURL and COinS. COinS (context objects in spans) is merely a mechanism of embedding OpenURL metadata (context objects) in HTML (see ).--Robert 08:53, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
Ok, that's how I also understood it. but isn't it that COinS implementation would be then better than OpenURL? Or I am missing a point in here?
i'd say there should be one version of the citation style with OpenURLs in simple links (a elements) pointing to the MPG sfx resolver e.g. for publication lists for intra-mpg use, and one version of the style with COinS.--Robert 13:18, 14 April 2009 (UTC)