Talk:PubMan Func Spec Endnote Mapping

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Author/Group custom fields by ICE/BGC:[edit]

Use of customizable fields
Endnote-Feld Inhalt Werte BGC (1280) ICE (1656) Comment-Question
CU1 Zuordnung der Gruppen (ICE) BOL GER HAN HEC …
914 586
CU2 Zuordnung der Personen,
für BGC: ---
abcd1234 x efgh5678 … - 572

Technical requirements for mapping[edit]

  • Before the mapping of endnote to publication items is done we need to:
    • create to eSciDoc Organizational units all organizational units and their groups (opened, closed), alternative name to be the group label as used in the publications
    • import all authors to Cone persons, where the author affiliation will be to eSciDoc OU-ID (matched via label) during time and one of alternative author identifiers will be IRIS-ID
  • Import of Endnote records (pseudo, for mapping of authors/affiliations)
    • for each EndNote record
      • Add author and CONE author identifier (matched via IRIS-ID)
      • Add author affiliation, two possibilities (check with institute what would be better):
        • match the date in CONE to publication date? OR
        • match the Group labels in EndNote record to any OU with same group label in author?
  • Cons: for subsequent updates institute will have to deal also with author data export for new authors. Otherwise, automatic matching author/affils would not be possible.


  • Institute to send their data occasionally (not regularly, but once a month - better once in two months - best option: tend to switch as soon as possible to PubMan)
  • We can do the matching internally (also for duplicate checking)

Example: multiple authors and multiple affiliations[edit]

 %0 Journal Article
 %A Barazani, O.
 %A Benderoth, M.
 %A Groten, K.
 %A Kuhlemeier, C.
 %A Baldwin, I. T.
 %D 2005
 %T Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera increase growth performance at the expense of  herbivore resistance in Nicotiana attenuata
 %J Oecologia
 %V 146
 %N 2
 %P 234-243
 %8 Dec
 %! Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera increase growth performance at the expense of herbivore resistance in Nicotiana attenuata
 %2 ozba2924 mabe2038 kagr2745 crku3108 iaba2016
 %F ITB158
 %X A Sebacinales species was recovered from a clone library made from a pooled rhizosphere sample of Nicotiana attenuata plants from 14 native populations. Axenic cultures of the related species, Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera, were used to examine their effects on plant performance. Inoculation of N. attenuata seeds with either fungus species stimulated seed germination and increased growth and stalk elongation. S. vermifera inoculated plants flowered earlier, produced more flowers and matured more seed capsules than did non-inoculated plants. Jasmonate treatment during rosette-stage growth, which slows growth and elicits herbivore resistance traits, erased differences in vegetative, but not reproductive performance resulting from S. vermifera inoculation. Total nitrogen and phosphorous contents did not differ between inoculated and control plants, suggesting that the performance benefits of fungal inoculation did not result from improvements in nutritional status. Since the expression of trypsin proteinase inhibitors (TPI), defensive proteins which confer resistance to attack from Manduca sexta larvae, incur significant growth and fitness costs for the plant, we examined the effect of S. vermifera inoculation on herbivore resistance and TPI activity. After 10 days of feeding on S. vermifera-inoculated plants, larval mass was 46% higher and TPI activity was 48% lower than that on non-inoculated plants. These results suggest that Sebacina spp. may interfere with defense signaling and allow plants to increase growth rates at the expense of herbivore resistance mediated by TPIs. [References: 65]
 %Z Article

Authors and their respective IDs are not shown in the same order. MPI ICE is preparing a solution for combining Custom %1 and Custom %2. This should also contain info on author order, e.g. 1(first author)-abcd4567-BOL.--Melanie.stetter 15:58, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

Example:external designation[edit]

 %0 Journal Article
 %A Heckel, D. G.
 %D 1994
 %T The Complex Genetic-Basis of Resistance to Bacillus-Thuringiensis Toxin in Insects
 %J Biocontrol Science and Technology
 %V 4
 %N 4
 %P 405-417
 %! The Complex Genetic-Basis of Resistance to Bacillus-Thuringiensis Toxin in Insects
 %1 HEC
 %2 dahe2185
 %4 EXT
 %M ISI:A1994QU28100003
 %F HEC067
 %U <Go to ISI>://A1994QU28100003 

Example: OA access[edit]

 %0 Journal Article
 %A Held, M.
 %A Gase, K.
 %A Baldwin, I. T.
 %D 2004
 %T Microarrays in ecological research: A case study of a cDNA microarray for plant-herbivore interactions
 %J BMC Ecology
 %V 4
 %N 13
 %! Microarrays in ecological research: A case study of a cDNA microarray for plant-herbivore interactions
 %1 ITB
 %2 mahe2195 klga2141 iaba2016
 %3 OA
 %F ITB146

Example: no author designation, no custom fields used[edit]

 %0 Journal Article
 %A Hermsmeier, D.
 %A Mazarei, M.
 %A Baum, T. J.
 %D 1998
 %T Differential display analysis of the early compatible interaction between soybean and the soybean cyst nematode
 %J Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
 %V 11
 %N 12
 %P 1258-1263
 %8 Dec
 %! Differential display analysis of the early compatible interaction between soybean and the soybean cyst nematode
 %O Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact.
 %M ISI:000077148400013
 %F MIO085
 %K syncytium Southern united-states; gene-expression; messenger-rna; arabidopsis-thaliana; infection; induction; patterns; clones; plants; roots
 %X The marked cellular changes during feeding site formation of the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) indicate major changes in soybean gene expression. We used differential display of mRNA to detect host gene expression changes during the early compatible interaction between soybean and H, glycines, Fifteen cDNA clones corresponding to mRNAs with different abundances in N, glycines-infected versus uninfected roots were identified. Differential display results indicated that abundances of five mRNAs increased in infected roots, whereas abundances of 10 mRNAs decreased. Transcripts for nine of these 15 cDNAs could be detected on RNA blots, and their hybridization signals confirmed the differential display results for eight of these nine cDNAs, Sequence analyses identified five cDNAs with decreased mRNA levels in infected roots as corresponding to two putative aldolase genes, a transcription-factor TFIIA homologue, the soybean small GTP- binding protein gene sra1, and the soybean auxin down-regulated gene ADR12. RNA blot analyses of other auxin down-regulated genes revealed a decrease in their mRNA abundances in H, glycines-infected roots as well.

Issues on duplicate check[edit]

  • It would be hardly possible to have duplicate checks based on identifier, as from example data it is not clear what is the endnote record identifier. This varies from one genre to another, and many times it includes the e.g. ISSN, or two patent numbers - which is not sufficient --Natasa 09:43, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

3.1 Mapping of Genres[edit]

Why are so many Genres "not mapped"? I can imagine some institutes might want to store "Audiovisual Material" or "Web Page" references etc. in PubMan. --Martin de la Iglesia 06:38, 27 May 2009 (UTC)

Mapping of Genres (eSciDoc)[edit]

For the RIS Mapping, which is quite similar to EndNote, we decided on slightly different mappings:

--Martin de la Iglesia 06:03, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

TotalNumberOfPages export[edit]

To include TotalNumberOfPages data from non-Book items, I suggest the condition "Only if Source.StartPage is empty." (instead of "only if genre is book"). --Martin de la Iglesia 06:20, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

TableOfContents export[edit]

Wouldn't a TOC fit nicely into %Z/Notes? --Martin de la Iglesia 06:22, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

Source.Identifier export[edit]

Isn't the ISSN number of a journal (in an Article item) given in this field? It could be mapped to %@, then. --Martin de la Iglesia 06:29, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

PubMan import test, 31.7.09[edit]

--Martin de la Iglesia 11:40, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

Test records[edit]

%0 Audiovisual Material
%A Leitner, Praxedis
%A Elliger, Sylvia
%D 2008
%T Musik-Grusskarte von Praxedis & Sylvia
%6 ca. 0:30 (loop)
%8 2008/12/22/
%9 Multimedia
%! Musik-Grusskarte von Praxedis & Sylvia
%# Image, sound, text
%Z empfangen via Minerva Liest BM

%+ MPI MolGen, Berlin

%0 Book
%A Reinecke, Julia
%D 2007
%T Street-Art: Eine Subkultur zwischen Kunst und Kommerz
%B Urban Studies
%C Bielefeld
%I transcript
%P 189
%! Street-Art: Eine Subkultur zwischen Kunst und Kommerz
%@ 3-89942-759-9
%K *Streetart  / Geschichte
*Street art / 

%0 Journal Article
%A Jüngst, Heike
%D 2006
%T Manga in Germany - from Translation to Simulacrum
%J Perspectives: Studies in Translatology
%V 14
%N 4
%P 248-259
%! Manga in Germany - from Translation to Simulacrum
%@ 0907676X
%F RefWorks:111
%K TRANSLATING & interpreting
MANGA (Comic books)
GRAPHIC novels
Social aspects
POPULAR culture - Japanese influences
GERMANY - Social conditions
Comic genres
%X This article does not focus on translation per se but on cultural exchange and intercultural influences as precipitated and mediated by translation. Manga is a prime example for this kind of exchange. With the translation of manga into German and the ensuing popularity, German artists started producing manga of their own. Some of these manga were (and some still are) an amalgam of elements of European comics and Japanese manga and tried to find new ways of expression within the format. Others, however, have all the characteristics of a simulacrum: They look like manga translated from Japanese into German. However, as with every simulacrum, there is no original. In the case of these manga, there is no original Japanese version. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR Copyright of Perspectives: Studies in Translatology is the property of Multilingual Matters and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts)
%+ University of Leipzig
%G English

%0 Thesis
%A Bowman, Benjamin F.
%D 1979
%T Die Entwicklung und Verwendung eines zellfreien Systems aus Weizenkeimen zur Translation viraler RNA
%B Fachbereich Chemie, Biologie und Geowissenschaften
%C Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried
%I Technische Universität München
%V Dr. rer. nat.
%P vii, 127
%Y Ziegler, H.
%E Schleifer, K. H.
%E Hofschneider, P. H.
%8 8.2.1979
%! Die Entwicklung und Verwendung eines zellfreien Systems aus Weizenkeimen zur Translation viraler RNA
%K autopsie
%X In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung [...]
%Z T-21
%G German

%0 Thesis
%A de la Iglesia, Martin
%D 2007
%T Die Popularität US-amerikanischer Comics in Großbritannien
%B Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften
%C Berlin
%I Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
%V Magister Artium
%P 117
%Y Rückert, Claudia
%E Klonk, Charlotte
%8 2007-09-01
%! Die Popularität US-amerikanischer Comics in Großbritannien
%K comic
popular culture
%X Diese Magisterarbeit beschäftigt sich damit, wie populär Comics aus den USA im Vereinigten Königreich sind und waren.
%G German


Prio A[edit]

  • %0 Thesis can't be imported; error message:

UnmarshallingException: The affected XML is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ei:item xmlns:ei=""> <ei:properties> <srel:context xmlns:oaipmh="" xmlns:pub="" xmlns:AuthorDecoder="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:eidt="" xmlns:escidoc="urn:escidoc:functions" xmlns:mdp="" xmlns:prop="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:file="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mdr="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:srel="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:ec="" objid="dummy:context"/> <srel:content-model xmlns:oaipmh="" xmlns:pub="" xmlns:AuthorDecoder="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:eidt="" xmlns:escidoc="urn:escidoc:functions" xmlns:mdp="" xmlns:prop="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:file="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mdr="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:srel="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:ec="" objid="escidoc:persistent4"/> <prop:content-model-specific xmlns:prop=""/> </ei:properties> <mdr:md-records xmlns:mdr=""> <mdr:md-record xmlns:oaipmh="" xmlns:pub="" xmlns:AuthorDecoder="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:eidt="" xmlns:escidoc="urn:escidoc:functions" xmlns:mdp="" xmlns:prop="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:file="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:srel="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:ec="" name="escidoc"> <mdp:publication type="thesis"> <pub:creator role="author"> <e:person> <e:family-name>la Iglesia</e:family-name> <e:given-name>de</e:given-name> <e:complete-name>de la Iglesia, Martin</e:complete-name> <e:organization> <e:organization-name>External Organizations</e:organization-name> <e:identifier>escidoc:persistent22</e:identifier> </e:organization> </e:person> </pub:creator> <pub:creator role="advisor"> <e:person> <e:family-name>R�ckert</e:family-name> <e:given-name/> <e:complete-name>R�ckert, Claudia</e:complete-name> </e:person> </pub:creator> <dc:title>Die Popularit�t US-amerikanischer Comics in Gro�britannien</dc:title> <dc:language xsi:type="dcterms:RFC3066">German</dc:language> <dcterms:alternative>Die Popularit�t US-amerikanischer Comics in Gro�britannien</dcterms:alternative> <pub:publishing-info> <dc:publisher>Institut f�r Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin</dc:publisher> <e:place>Berlin</e:place> </pub:publishing-info> <dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2007-12</dcterms:created> <pub:total-number-of-pages>117</pub:total-number-of-pages> <pub:degree>Magister Artium</pub:degree> <dcterms:abstract>Diese Magisterarbeit besch�ftigt sich damit, wie popul�r Comics aus den USA im Vereinigten K�nigreich sind und waren.</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:subject>comic UK USA reception popular culture</dcterms:subject> </mdp:publication> </mdr:md-record> </mdr:md-records> <ec:components xmlns:ec=""/> </ei:item> at at at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1144.invoke(null:-1) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed( at org.jboss.ejb3.interceptor.EJB3InterceptorsInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.entity.TransactionScopedEntityManagerInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.AllowedOperationsInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.aspects.tx.TxPolicy.invokeInNoTx( at org.jboss.aspects.tx.TxInterceptor$NotSupported.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.aspects.tx.TxPropagationInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.stateless.StatelessInstanceInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at at at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.ENCPropagationInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.asynchronous.AsynchronousInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.stateless.StatelessContainer.dynamicInvoke( at org.jboss.ejb3.remoting.IsLocalInterceptor.invokeLocal( at org.jboss.ejb3.remoting.IsLocalInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.stateless.StatelessRemoteProxy.invoke( at $Proxy134.transformToPubItem(null:-1) at de.mpg.escidoc.pubman.multipleimport.ImportProcess.prepareItem( at JiBXException: Error while unmarshalling (line 91, col 53) at at at at at at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.unmarshalElement( at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.unmarshalDocument( at at at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1144.invoke(null:-1) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed( at org.jboss.ejb3.interceptor.EJB3InterceptorsInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at 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org.jboss.ejb3.remoting.IsLocalInterceptor.invokeLocal( at org.jboss.ejb3.remoting.IsLocalInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb3.stateless.StatelessRemoteProxy.invoke( at $Proxy134.transformToPubItem(null:-1) at de.mpg.escidoc.pubman.multipleimport.ImportProcess.prepareItem( at

  • Character encoding error: German Umlauts are transformed into �.
    • --Makarenko 17:23, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Transformation is tested: the umlauts are handled correctly. Endnote input file should be correct UTF-8 encoded.
  • "DynamicError: Endnote import must have a "%0" tag to describe the publication genre: " - %0 is there ("%0 Audiovisual Material"), but it's not recognized - other types work.
    • --Makarenko 15:07, 1 September 2009 (UTC): No mapping for 'Audiovisual Material' is defined.
  • Publisher ("%I") is not mapped to Publishing Info.
    • --Makarenko 15:58, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Cannot reproduce, please, check again. Please consider, that %I is put concatenated after %B for many genres.
  • Label (%F) becomes Alternative Title - is this intended?
    • --Makarenko 15:58, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Yes, see: %F|Label|AlternativeTitle
  • "Volume / Issue" only contains Issue, Volume (%V) is not imported.
    • --Makarenko 16:31, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Fixed.

Prio B[edit]

  • In an Article record, the ISSN is assigned to the item ("Details"), but it should be assigned to the Journal/Source.
  • Keywords are only separated by space, and thus hardly readable.
    • --Makarenko 17:09, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Keywords stay separated how are they defined in input endnote file. For the testing case: with new line.
  • Blank lines within an item are interpreted as end/beginning of multiple records.
    • --Makarenko 17:09, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Yes, it is. Please, verify, whether is it possible to have blank lines within fields.
  • Only year and month, not day, are imported into Date.
    • --Makarenko 17:09, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Are the examples above correct? Please, check endnote year/date definition. For the moment the following workflow is: implemented:
      • 1) take year from %D
      • 2) take month/date from %8
      • 3) concatenate with -
      • 4) map to the correct dcterms date
  • Erroneous handling of compound author names: "de la Iglesia, Martin" becomes "la Iglesia, de".
    • --Makarenko 17:18, 1 September 2009 (UTC): Author names are handled by external AuthorDecoder procedure, not by the transformation. The new rule for the AuthorDecoder for the case should be defined/implemented.
  • In a Book record where the book is part of a series, the publisher (%I) is mapped to Source (i.e. the series) instead of the item (i.e. the book itself). Of course, in most cases, the publisher is the same, but it would be more correct to assign the publisher to the book (to which also the publishing place is mapped).
    • --Makarenko 17:18, 1 September 2009 (UTC): tbd.

Not clear[edit]

  • In an Article record, the item's Pages are empty (the Pages are given as Start/End Page in Source 1 instead) - looks odd. Copy from Start/End Page?
  • Author address ("%+") is not mapped to Affiliation, which instead says "External Organizations, escidoc:persistent22"
  • Creation date "%8 2007-09-01" is given as "Dates: Created: 2007-12"; "%8 8.2.1979" becomes "Dates: Created: 1979-12".

EndNote Import Revision for R6[edit]

When I import this record, %E and %B are not being created in PubMan, because we forgot to map %B as source.title for the genre Report. %E can only be created if there is a source (therefore %B mapping has to be implemented).

%0 Report
%A Kanellopoulou, Despoina
%D 2009
%T Testing Import of Report
%E Kondic, Nicole
%B Test
%C Munich
%P 235
%! Te
%O Import Testing
%@ 23456
%K test, book, keyword
%X s
%G english

  • Consolidation of the mapping of %I. %I is currently mapped to Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher for EndNote Reference Types:
    • Generic
    • Book
    • Book Section
    • Conference Paper
    • Conference Proceedings
    • Edited Book
    • Electronic Article
    • Electronic Book
    • Magazine Article
    • Newspaper Article
  • For some of the Reference Types, such as e.g. "Book" it should be mapped to PublishingInfo.Publisher.

When I import:

%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kanellopoulou, Despoina
%D 2009
%T Testing Import of Conference Proceedings
%E Kondic, Nicole
%B Conference
%C Munich
%V 3
%6 5
%P 124
%Y Tschida, Ulla
%S Testing
%7 3
%! Testing Import
%@ 1234-0987
%K test, book, keyword
%X any
%G english

%P, %S is not mapped correctly, instead %B is mapped twice. Once to Name of Conference and once to source.title.

  • mappping for EndNote Genre Conference Paper has to be consolidated. According to the current mapping, the conf. paper doesn't have a source. From PubMan point of view this is impossible.
  • %C is not mapped correctly in case of Book chapter; there it should be mapped to source.publishinginfo.publisher.

When I import the following reference, %P is mapped to start page and %& is not mapped. This should be checked and changed.

%0 Journal Article
%A Kanellopoulou, Despoina
%D 2009
%T Testing Import Journal Article
%J New Journal of Testing
%V 4
%N 3
%P 23
%& 234
%! Testing Import
%@ 1245-0987
%K test, book, keyword
%X any abstract
%G english

revised mapping[edit]

under construction, please don't edit yet --Martin de la Iglesia 11:09, 25 September 2009 (UTC)

EndNote to eSciDoc Mapping
Tag EndNote Field Names PubMan Comment/Conditions
%A Author CreatorRole=Author.Person.CompleteName (Author.Person.FamilyName, Author.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Types Generic, Book, Book Section, Conference Paper, Conference Proceedings, Electronic Article, Electronic Book, Journal Article, Magazine Article, Manuscript, Report, Thesis;
%A Editor CreatorRole=Editor.Person.CompleteName (Editor.Person.FamilyName, Editor.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Edited Book
%A Reporter CreatorRole=Author.Person.CompleteName (Author.Person.FamilyName, Author.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Newspaper Article
%A Inventor not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent; new CreatorRole=Inventor needed?, mapping see other %A
%B Secondary Title Item.AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Type Generic, Electronic Book
%B Series Title Source.Title for EndNote Reference Types Book, Edited Book, Report;

set Source.Genre to "Series"

%B Book Title Source.Title for EndNote Reference Type Book Section. Set Source.Genre to "Book".
%B Conference Name Event.Title and Source.Title for EndNote Reference Types Conference Paper. Set Source.Genre to "Proceedings".
%B Conference Name Event.Title for EndNote Reference Type Conference Proceedings
%B Periodical Title Source.Title, Source.Genre=Journal for EndNote Reference Type Electronic Article
%B Newspaper Source.Title, Source.Genre=Journal for EndNote Reference Type Newspaper Article
%B Magazine Source.Title, Source.Genre=Journal for EndNote Reference Type Magazine Article
%B Collection Title Source.Title, Source.Genre=Series for EndNote Reference Type Manuscript
%B Published Source not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%B Academic Department PublishingInfo.Publisher and Creator.Person.Organization.Name for EndNote Reference Type Thesis (if there is also information in %I write both concatenated with comma)
%C Place Published PublishingInfo.Place for EndNote Reference Type Generic, Magazine Article
%C City PublishingInfo.Place for EndNote Reference Types Book, [Book Section], Edited Book, Electronic Article, Electronic Book, Manuscript, Newspaper Article, Report, Thesis
%C City Source.PublishingInfo.Place for EndNote Reference Types Book Section
%C Conference Location Event.Place for EndNote Reference Types Conference Paper, Conference Proceedings
%C Country not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%D Year Date.Datecreated for EndNote Reference Types Generic, [Book Section,] [Conference Paper,] Conference Proceedings, [Edited Book,] [Electronic Article,] [Electronic Book,] Journal Article, Magazine Article, Manuscript, Newspaper Article, Patent (not mapped), Report[, Thesis]; depending on Date: if there is content in fields Year and Date, write YYYY-MM-(DD), if not, write YYYY
discussion if Year and Date could be mapped to "Date.Published in print" as Karin Kastens wanted (at least specific for some genres); for now is mapped to Date.created to be consistent with WOS and RIS mappings --Melanie.stetter 11:33, 4 September 2009 (UTC)
%D Year Date.Datecreated for EndNote Reference Types Electronic Article, Electronic Book. %8 means "Date Accessed" here, so I wouldn't concatenate with %8.
%D Year Date.Datecreated for EndNote Reference Type Thesis. %8 could be the date of the acceptance or the Viva Voce, so I wouldn't concatenate with %8.
%D Year Date.Datecreated for EndNote Reference Types Book, Book Section, Edited Book. (No conflict with %8 (Date) because that field isn't exported from EndNote.)
%D Year Date.Datecreated for EndNote Reference Type Conference Paper. (%8 (Date) can't be used, because if %8 is the date on which the talk was given, the paper might have been published later.)
%D Year of Conference Event.StartDate for EndNote Reference Type Conference Proceedings;
%E Secondary Author CreatorRole=Contributor[Author].Person.CompleteName (Author.Person.FamilyName, Author.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Generic
%E Editor CreatorRole=Editor.Person.CompleteName (Editor.Person.FamilyName, Editor.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Types Conference [Paper] Proceedings, Electronic Book
%E Editor Source.CreatorRole=Editor.Person.CompleteName (Editor.Person.FamilyName, Editor.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Book Section, Conference [Proceedings] Paper
%E Series Editor Source.CreatorRole=Editor.Person.CompleteName (Editor.Person.FamilyName, Editor.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Types Book, Edited Book, Report. Not mapped if %B (Series Title) is missing.
%E Issuing Organization not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%F Label - Usage is probably different in each MPI, so I wouldn't map it generally to AlternativeTitle. Note: this is used almost in each record, if not in all (based on examples). What is exactly the usage at MPI ICE? --Natasa 09:45, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
%G Language Language -
%H Translated Author Creator.Person.AlternativeName Works only if there is exactly 1 author (or editor, in the case of an Edited Book). Additional translated authors are exported as %E.
%I Publisher PublishingInfo.Publisher for EndNote Reference Types Book, Conference Proceedings, Edited Book, Electronic Book, Generic.
%I Publisher Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher for EndNote Reference Types [Generic,] Book Section, Conference Paper, [Conference Proceedings,] [Edited Book,] Electronic Article, [Electronic Book,] Magazine Article, Newspaper Article
%I Library/ Archive Location for EndNote Reference Type Manuscript
%I Assignee not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%I Institution - [PublishingInfo.Publisher] for EndNote Reference Type Report. This is not the publisher (I guess it's rather the commissioning institution). There is an extra field for publisher in the Report reference type, which is not exported.
%I University PublishingInfo.Publisher and Creator.Person.Organization.Name for EndNote Reference Type Thesis (see %B)
%J Journal Name Source.Title for EndNote Reference Type Journal Article; set Source.Genre to "Journal".
%J Abbreviation Item.AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Types [Book], Book Section, Manuscript [Abbreviation is exported in %O]
%J Alternate Title Item.AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Types Edited Book, Electronic Article, Report
%J Alternate Journal Source.AlternativeTitle (if Source.Title is populated) for Reference Type Journal Article
%J Alternate Magazine Source.AlternativeTitle (if Source.Title is populated) for Reference Type Magazin Article
%K Keywords Subject -
%L Call Number Identifier.IdType=Other -
%M Accession Number Identifier.IdType=Other if the content of the field is "ISI:" or "WOS:" and number, map to Identifier.IdType=ISI
%N Number - for EndNote Reference Type Generic. There's no clear field for the source title, so no Source can be generated.
%N Series Volume Source.Volume for EndNote Reference Types Book, Book Section, Edited Book; see also %V
%N Issue Source.Issue for EndNote Reference Types Electronic Article, Journal Article
%N Issue Number Source.Issue for EndNote Reference Type [Generic,] Magazine Article
%N Start Page Source.StartPage for EndNote Reference Type Newspaper Article; only mapped for articles if there is no content in field %P (Pages), see also %&
%N Document Number Source.SequenceNumber for EndNote Reference Type Report
%N Folio Number Source.SequenceNumber for EndNote Reference Type Manuscript, if there is a Collection Title / %B.
%N Application Number not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent; Application Number ≠ Patent Number=Identifier.Id, see also %&, %V
%O Abbreviation AlternativeTitle (Not in specification, but exported from EndNote.) for EndNote Reference Types Book, Manuscript.
%O Alternate Journal Source.AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Type Journal Article.
%O Alternate Magazine Source.AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Type Magazine Article.
%O Alternate Title AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Types Edited Book, Electronic Article, Report.
%P Pages TotalNumberOfPages for EndNote Reference Types Generic, Conference Proceedings, Manuscript, Patent (not mapped), Report;
%P Pages Source.StartPage and Source.EndPage for EndNote Reference Types Electronic Article, Journal Article, Magazine Article, Newspaper Article, Book Section, Conference Paper; map to Source.StartPage and Source.EndPage if there are two numbers
%P Number of Pages TotalNumberOfPages for EndNote Reference Types Book, Edited Book, Thesis
%P Number of Screens TotalNumberOfPages for EndNote Reference Type Electronic Book
%Q Translated Title AlternativeTitle -
%R DOI Identifier.DOI -
%S Tertiary Title Item.AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Type Generic
%S Series Title Source.Title, Source.Genre=Series for EndNote Reference Types [Book Section], Conference Proceedings
%S Series Title - for EndNote Reference Types Book Section
%S International Author not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent; see also %A
%T Title Title -
%U URL Identifier.URL -
%V Volume - for EndNote Reference Types Electronic Book, Generic. There's no clear field for the source title, so no Source can be generated.
%V Volume Source.Volume for EndNote Reference Types Book, Edited Book; if there is %N (Series Volume) data, maybe %V means the item is one volume out of a multi-volume title, so I suggest to concatenate it with %T and map it to Title instead, maybe adding the prefix "vol. ". Don't map if %B (Series Title) is missing.
%V Volume Source.Volume for EndNote Reference Types Book Section, [Edited Book,] Report; map only if there is no content in field %N (Series Volume) for the Reference Types above
%V Volume Source.Volume for EndNote Reference Types [Generic,] Conference Paper, [Conference Proceedings,] Electronic Article, [Electronic Book,] Journal Article, Magazine Article, Newspaper Article
%V Volume Source.Volume for EndNote Reference Type Conference Proceedings, unless %S (Series Title) is missing.
%V Volume Source.Volume for EndNote Reference Type Report; map only if there is no content in field %6 (Series Volume) and if there is content in field %B (Series Title).
%V Volume /Storage Container Source.Volume for EndNote Type Manuscript, if there is a Collection Title / %B.
%V Patent Version Number not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent; Patent Version Number ≠ Patent Number=Identifier.Id, see also %&, %N
%V Degree (if genre is Thesis) Degree for EndNote Reference Type Thesis
%W Database Provider not mapped -
%X Abstract Abstract -
%Y Tertiary Author CreatorRole=Contributor[Author].Person.CompleteName (Author.Person.FamilyName, Author.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Generic
%Y Series Editor Source.CreatorRole=Editor.Person.CompleteName (Editor.Person.FamilyName, Editor.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Conference Proceedings, unless %S (Series Title) is missing.
%Y Series Editor - [Source.CreatorRole=Editor.Person.CompleteName (Editor.Person.FamilyName, Editor.Person.GivenName)] for EndNote Reference Type Book Section
%Y International Title not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%Y Publisher PublishingInfo.Publisher for EndNote Reference Type Report
%Y Advisor CreatorRole=Advisor.Person.CompleteName (Advisor.Person.FamilyName, Advisor.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Type Thesis
%Z Alternate Title AlternativeTitle for EndNote Reference Type Generic.
%Z Notes not mapped for all EndNote Reference Types except Generic.
%0 Reference Type Genre see Reference Type Mapping
%1 Legal Note - for EndNote Reference Type Journal Article
%2 PMCID Identifier.Id for EndNote Reference Type Journal Article. Set Identifier.IdType to "pmc".
%6 Number of Volumes not mapped -
%6 Frequency not mapped -
%6 Manuscript Number Identifier.Id, Identifier.Type=other for EndNote Reference Type Manuscript
%6 Series Volume Source.Volume if exists genre.Source=series for EndNote Reference Type Report
%7 Edition PublishingInfo.Edition for EndNote Reference Types Book, Conference Proceedings, Edited Book, Electronic Book, Generic, Report (if source.type is not populated)
%7 Edition Source.PublishingInfo.Edition for EndNote Reference Types Book Section, Electronic Article, Magazine Article, Newspaper Article, Report (if source.type is populated)
%7 EPub Date Date.published online for EndNote Reference Type Journal Article
%7 International Patent Classification not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%8 Date Date.Datecreated (concatenated with %D) for EndNote Reference Types Book, [Conference Paper,] Conference Proceedings, Edited Book, Generic, Journal Article, Magazine Article, Newspaper Article, Manuscript, Patent (not mapped), Report, Thesis; see also %D (Year)
%8 Date - for EndNote Reference Type Conference Paper. Could be used for the date on which the talk was given, so I wouldn't map it.
%8 Date - for EndNote Reference Type Thesis. %8 could be the date of the acceptance or the Viva Voce, so I wouldn't map it.
%8 Date Event.StartDate, Event.EndDate for EndNote Reference Type Conference Proceedings, if it can be split into two dates. Overwrites %D (Year of Conference).
%8 Date Accessed not mapped for EndNote Reference Types Electronic Article, Electronic Book; see also %[ (Access Date)
%9 Type of Work not mapped for EndNote Reference Types Book, Edited Book, Electronic Article, Generic, Manuscript;
%9 Type not mapped for EndNote Reference Types Conference Paper, Report
%9 Type of Medium not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Electronic Book
%9 Type of Article not mapped for EndNote Reference Types Journal Article, Magazine Article, Newspaper Article; could be a type regarding content of work, e.g. reviewed article => suggestion for a new PubMan field \"Type\"
%9 Patent Type not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%9 Thesis Type - [Degree=diploma (???)] for EndNote Reference Type Thesis
%? Translator CreatorRole=Translator.Person.CompleteName (Translator.Person.FamilyName, Translator.Person.GivenName) for EndNote Reference Types Book, Book Section, Edited Book, Generic.
%? Sponsor not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Conference Proceedings
%? Department /Devision PublishingInfo.Publisher for EndNote Reference Type Report
%@ ISBN/ISSN - for EndNote Reference Type Generic. Type (ISBN or ISSN) unclear.
%@ ISBN Identifier.ISBN for EndNote Reference Types Book, [Book Section,] Conference Proceedings, Edited Book, Electronic Book
%@ ISBN Source.Identifier.ISBN for EndNote Reference Types Book Section
%@ ISSN Source.Identifier.ISSN for EndNote Reference Types Electronic Article, Journal Article, Magazine Article, Newspaper Article
%@ Report Number Identifier.Id, type=Other for EndNote Reference Type Report
%@ Patent Number not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%! Short Title AlternativeTitle - Map only if %! is different from %T. (EndNote automatically generates a %! that is identical with %T if no Short Title is entered.)
%& Section not mapped for EndNote Reference Types Generic, Newspaper Article
%& Pages TotalNumberOfPages for EndNote Reference Type Book
%& Chapter Source.sequencenumber [(if source.type is populated)] for EndNote Reference Type Book Section
%& Start Page Source.StartPage for EndNote Reference Types Journal Article, Magazine Article, Manuscript; only mapped for articles if there is no content in field %P (Pages)
%& International Patent Number not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent; International Patent Number ≠ Patent Number=Identifier.Id, see also %V, %N
%( Original Publication not mapped -
%( Contents TableOfContents [not mapped] for EndNote Reference Type Report
%( Priority Numbers not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%) Reprint Edition PublishingInfo.Edition for EndNote Reference Types Book, Edited Book, Generic, if %7 (Edition) is missing.
%) Reprint Edition Source.PublishingInfo.Edition for EndNote Reference Types Book Section, Magazine Article, if %7 (Edition) is missing.
%* Reviewed Item AlternativeTitle [not mapped] for EndNote Reference Type Book Section, Generic, Journal Article. Add prefix "Review of: " [suggestion for a new PubMan field]
%+ Author Address not mapped R5 CreatorRole=Author.Person.Organization.Name[Address] for EndNote Reference Types Book, Book Section, Conference Paper, Conference Proceedings, Electronic Article, Electronic Book, Journal Article, Generic, Magazine Article, Manuscript, Newspaper Article, Report, Thesis. Can only be mapped if there is exactly 1 author, because there is no standard separator for multiple addresses in the %+ field.
%+ Editor Address not mapped R5 CreatorRole=Editor.Person.Organization.Name[Address] for EndNote Reference Type Edited Book. Can only be mapped if there is exactly 1 editor, because there is no standard separator for multiple addresses in the %+ field.
%+ Inventor Address not mapped for EndNote Reference Type Patent
%^ Caption not mapped -
%> File Attachments not mapped -
%< Research Notes not mapped -
%[ Access Date not mapped
%= Last Modified Date Date.modified -
%~ Name of Database not mapped -