User talk:Natasab
Naming pages (dates)[edit]
Hi dear,
in the colab meeting this monday, we discussed some article naming suggestions. As a result, we added some recommendations to the colab Main_Page#Open_editorial_policy editorial policy. These naming conventions are relevant for some articles created by you (i.e. Category:ESciDoc-Team) and therefore I would like to propose following "moves":
- DeveloperMeeting ddmmyyyy -> MPDL Developer Meeting yyyy-mm-dd (I'm not sure... are these meetings escidoc specific or do you discuss other subjects as well)
- DeveloperWorkshop ddmmyyyy -> eSciDoc Developer Workshop yyyy-mm-dd
- DeveloperMeeting JavaWebFramework -> Java Web Framework Evaluation
- Java Script Framework -> Java Script Framework Evaluation
What do you think?
BTW: I really like both evaluations and consider to add a new category (under article content) for this type of content
Kisses & cheers, inga
Formatting comments[edit]
Hi dear,
it is quite hard to clearly format comments on wiki pages, i.e. to keep the main content understandable and assign each comment to its owner. The wikimedia manual suggests to intend comments by using colons and to sign the comment at the end, see I would suggest to follow this recommendation for CoLab as well and therefore changed your comments in the scope description for FACES accordingly. What do you think?
Many greetings --Inga 19:36, 27 September 2007 (CEST)
- Hi Dear! --Natasa 10:20, 28 September 2007 (CEST) I agree.. but please do not take it for bad ... just was not aware of it... Ok... as of this morning put some other comments as well - will go through them again and re-format them..First lessons pay :)) ThnX a lot!