PubMan Func Spec Yearbook

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Yearbook in Pubman[edit]


Technical Realization[edit]

Yearbook Item[edit]

  • The yearbook is handled as an eSciDoc item
  • It requires an own content model, the id must be set in
  • It requires an own context of type "yearbook", the id must be set in
  • Yearbook members are added as references to the yearbook item
  • Yearbook candidates are specified as an CQL query which is added to the yearbook as first local tag.
  • Metadata record:
    • Title of the item contains the yearbook title
    • Beside the CQL queries in the local tags, additionally all candidate requirements are specified in the dc:subject part of the metadata record. Therefore, the index names of the escidoc_all index is used (e.g. first subject: escidoc.any-organization-pids="escidoc:1234"). This information is used to create the non-candidates query.

Yearbook User Roles[edit]

Local YB Admin

  • Can create Yearbook item
  • Can edit YB item (add/remove members)
  • Can release YB item
  • Required Grants:
    • Depositor for YB Context
    • User Account Admin
    • User Group Admin

YB Assistant

  • Can edit YB item (add/remove members)
  • Required Grants:
    • Must join the user group that is automatically created by Local YB admin during YB item creation
    • Local YB can choose the assistants during creation of item, or, later on, use escidocadmin to add them to the user group

Global YB Admin

  • Can view released YB items
  • Can export released YB items
  • Required Grants:
    • Depositor for YB context
    • Moderator for YB context