ESciDoc Developer Workshop 2007-12-19
Date: December 19-20, 2007
Location: FIZ, Karlsruhe
Participants(MPDL): Michael, Robert, Johannes, Tobias, Natasa
XML Schemas[edit]
Consolidation of schemas for framework objects: the common elements in properties of framework resources should really be common, i.e. in the same namespace across resources; no more item:created-by, ou:created-by, ... but only escidoc:created-by. I also have a feeling that if this is not happening soon, it never will. -Robert 11:41, 14 November 2007 (CET)
Update of last workshop results[edit]
- Update of last workshop, see also ESciDoc Workshop 2007-09-24, ESciDoc Developer Workshop 2007-08-07
- eSciDoc Brainstorming results
- TOC in Container: format, restrictions, occurrence (see also ESciDoc_Container_Toc)
- Authority Files, see also (ControlledVocab, Talk:ControlledVocab#Prototyping)
- Workflow Manager, see also ESciDoc_Workflows
- Item lists - prototype, results, see also ESciDoc_Item_List
- Item lists - sorting order, see requirements for Search Topic below.
- Authorization, see also ESciDoc_Authorization_Authentication and related pages
- concept how to map solution actions to core services actions
- how to enable trust if the solution already authorized the action of a user
- how to easily create new policies/modify existing policies
- Providing content relations together with the item or better standalone and use addContentRelations, removeContentRelations methods.
- see concept at Content relations
Proposal to move the topic to the next eSciDoc workshop Jan/Feb 2008--Natasa 10:55, 7 December 2007 (CET)
- In my opinion PID handling is very importent. Especially because we have a (inconsistent) implementation. In consequence i would propose to remove the PID assignment methods till we have the implementation of an agreed concept. Frank 12:09, 7 December 2007 (CET)
- finalize concept for PID-Impelementation in eSciDoc
- There is a Talk Talk:PubMan PID related to that topic but no concept.
- the concept already exists for PID and is agreed between us previously. This concept paper was discussed before. On the Talk page there is also a proposal how to deal with PIDs so please take a look at the and
Release procedures and Data migration[edit]
- Release procedures (releases, release tests)
- decide on strategy for data migration (when XSDs are changed)
- migrate each object on retrieve
- migrate all objects of the repository at the time the new release is installed via XSLT
- create a treansformation service for the migration of objects (on demand or the compelte repository)
- define content
- define usage of AdminDescriptor in Context and Container See page AdminDescriptor
- Status of Statistics
- possible to gather the current statistics also with additional info on logged-in (anonymous) users?
- no need for concept. in Bugzilla is fixed and will not be reopened
- the requirement is to "rework" the definitions and the reports to also provide statisctis for all users and only for registered (i.e. logged-in users)
Content Model[edit]
- Colab pages started Content Models, in progress
Enhancements for upcoming releases[edit]
Searching service[edit]
- mixture of language specific metadata indexes into a one search database
- this requirement needs to be discussed together. The main issue in here is that we do have the following examples for searching:
- search all items where title in german is "wissenschaft" and abstract in english contains "science information" - the results should be found with proper stemming options - that would mean that the exact "phrase" search through current escidoc_all database will not give back a correct set of results.
- this requirement needs to be discussed together. The main issue in here is that we do have the following examples for searching:
- sorting order (p and P are sorted within each other -> case insensitive, german umlaute seem to be handled, as if they where ue, oe, ae, characters like [ are listed before A/a.).
- this requirement simply states that there is a case insensitive sorting order and that we have to treat german umlaute in the following manner when indexing for sorting (ä/Ä should be treated as ae, ö/Ö should be treated as oe etc.)
Context handler[edit]
- additional methods, improvement of existing methods (admin descriptors, possibility to add new context types e.g. CitationStyles, Validation)--Natasa 17:08, 16 November 2007 (CET)Clarified partly: Context types are not limited.
- revisit Admin descriptor (what is relevant and what not in the current admin descriptor structure)
see description on page Context handler
OrganizationalUnits handler[edit]
- additional methods, improvement of existing methods
- additional filter criteria user, role, public-status.
- decision on the content of OrganizationalUnit is needed - Frank
- Frank, can you provide short info what do you think with this, so we prepare smth in advance?
- Clarified - MPDL will provide some more info, this is only refering to the organization-details section!--Natasa 11:54, 19 November 2007 (CET)
- This may pertain the properties too if in the details is some candidate for a filter or a value that occures in both properties and details. Frank 15:21, 6 December 2007 (CET)
- Current organization-details structure:
- This may pertain the properties too if in the details is some candidate for a filter or a value that occures in both properties and details. Frank 15:21, 6 December 2007 (CET)
- Clarified - MPDL will provide some more info, this is only refering to the organization-details section!--Natasa 11:54, 19 November 2007 (CET)
<xs:element name="organization-details"> <xs:element name="abbreviation" type="xs:normalizedString"> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:normalizedString"> <xs:element name="uri" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="organization-type" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="external-id" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="postcode" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="country" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="region" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="city" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="telephone" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="fax" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="email" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="geo-coordinate" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="location-longitude" type="xs:token"> <xs:element name="location-latitude" type="xs:token"> </xs:element> </xs:element>
Should be (note: inclusion of language flags via dc: elements referenced and dc:simpleLiteral type reference):
<xs:element name="organization-details"> <xs:element ref="dc:title"> <xs:element ref="dc:alternative" minOccurs=0> <xs:element ref="dc:identifier" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"> (MPDL should provide clarification until the WS if we need identifier type in addition) <xs:element name="organization-type" type="dc:simpleLiteral" minOccurs="0"> <xs:element name="description" type="dc:simpleLiteral" minOccurs="0"> (maybe to use dc:subject??? MPDL will check) <xs:element name="country" type="dc:simpleLiteral"> (should include language flag) <xs:element name="city" type="dc:simpleLiteral"> (should include language flag) <xs:element name="start-date" type="dcterms:W3CDTF" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="end-date" type="dcterms:W3CDTF" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="kml:Location"/> (should be taken from xmlns:kml="" namespace) </xs:element>
--Natasa 16:05, 10 December 2007 (CET)
- Please provide a concept, may be as a colab-page
There should be a description for each new/changed method, its filteres and their meenings.
Summary of this is:
- Modification:
- create organizational unit should create org units with status "created"
- method "delete" should be updated to allow deletion of organizational units only in case when they have no children and when they are in status "created"
New methods:
- method to "open" organizational unit is missing
- method to "close" organizational unit is missing
- An organizational unit can be closed if the following conditions were met:
(has no children in status "opened") (in case there are no chidlren at all it can be closed as well)--Natasa 10:23, 7 December 2007 (CET)
- Additional issues:
- data consistency is not implemented properly at the moment.
- Organizational units can be associated with the Context only if OrgUnit status is "opened"
- A context object has organizational units related. When a context object is created only organizational units in status "opened" can be related as responsible for the context.--Natasa 10:23, 7 December 2007 (CET)
- Organizational units can be associated with Users only if OrgUnit status is "opened"
- When a user is created a relation to an organizational unit from which this user comes from is also created. In this case organizational unit that is given during creation of a user must be in status "opened".
- Organizational units can be deleted only if OrgUnit status is "created".
- And when there are no children in status other then "created". --Natasa 10:23, 7 December 2007 (CET)
- Other relations to/from org units also need to be considered .
- OK we will extend the decision table given in one of the links below (history of organizational units) and create a separate page.--Natasa 10:23, 7 December 2007 (CET)
- Please check the following page (concept) and put your further questions Talk:PubMan_Func_Spec_Organizational_Unit_Management--Natasa 10:51, 7 December 2007 (CET)
See also:
PubMan_Organizational_Unit_Management, PubMan_Func_Spec_Organizational_Unit_Management, Talk:PubMan_Collections_and_Organizational_Units#History_of_organisational_units, for R3
Item handler[edit]
- extend filters to "last-modified-since", "context", "related-to" (not only with id of the item, but also with a set of relation types)
- separation Filter/Search - Frank
There should be a description for each new/changed method, its filters and their meanings see page Item Handler
New service Ingestion[edit]
- posting of named graphs of objects, pushing/pulling functionality?
see concept on page Ingestion Service
New service Relation Handler[edit]
- create, retrieve, modify, update relation objects, register new relation types
see concept on page Content relations
Service repository[edit]
- Service repository (for all, not only for core services)