PubMan Workflows

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Standard Workflows[edit]

For the publication process two core workflows are identified, the “Standard Publication Workflow” and the “Standard Modification Workflow”. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the workflows possible alternative workflows named “Simple Publication Workflow” and the “Simple Modification Workflow” are also defined but not implemented yet. Additional publication workflows can be defined between the steps “UC_PM_SM_03 submit item” and “UC_PM_QA_08 release item”. Additional modification workflows can be defined between the steps “UC_PM_QA_11 modify item” and “UC_PM_QA_08 release item”. The roles used in the activity diagrams of the workflow diagrams are also used in the use case overviews and are part of the system roles. All roles from the workflows except “System” are part of the workflow definitions. In each workflow definition other or the same roles can be defined but they only belong to their workflow definitions which can be linked to specific “Collections”. Instances of collection specific workflows are started during the use cases mentioned in the diagrams below. The nodes (bubbles) in the diagrams below can have the stereotype “item editable” which means that for this node the use case “UC_PM_SM_02 edit item” can be called. If this stereotype is given also a validation point must be given because it is used in the edit item use case. The publication and the modification workflows define validation points for specific workflow actions. The use case associated to the action must execute the defined validation for the item. A validation is implemented by a set of validation rules. The definition of the concrete validation rules is part of the workflow setup for each collection. All executed actions in the system have to be logged with information about the action, see FE_PM_09 Logging. To each workflow task the selected item is associated and the item title is copied to the object information of the task.