PubMan Workflows

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Revision as of 15:22, 12 December 2007 by Uat (talk | contribs)
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Standard Workflows[edit]

For the publication process two core workflows are identified, the “Standard Publication Workflow” and the “Standard Modification Workflow”.

Standard Publication Workflow[edit]

Standard Modification Workflow[edit]

Other Workflows[edit]

In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the workflows, possible alternative workflows named “Simple Publication Workflow” and the “Simple Modification Workflow” are also defined but not implemented yet.

Additional publication workflows can be defined between the steps “UC_PM_SM_03 submit item” and “UC_PM_QA_08 release item”.

Additional modification workflows can be defined between the steps “UC_PM_QA_11 modify item” and “UC_PM_QA_08 release item”.

Simple Publication Workflow[edit]

Simple Modification Workflow[edit]