ESciDoc Committer Meeting 2011-07-26

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Date: 26.07.2011
Start time: 14:30
End time: 15:30

Location: Karlsruhe, München
Participants MPDL: Natasa Bulatovic, Wilhelm Frank, Michael Franke
Participants FIZ: Michael Hoppe, Steffen Wagner, Harald Kappus

Previous committer meeting

Next committer meeting


Admin tool[edit]

  • Enhancement of the Admin Tool
    • user groups


  • Selective reindexing
    • reindexing scripts called as (note: all in one line, no empty spaces except after -d in the first line)
     http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/rest?operation=updateIndex" -d 
     (SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES=application/pdf application/msword text/xml application/xml text/plain)"

Note: previously this script was generated with an sql-query from the postgresql cache, there shall be another way of doing it now

eSciDoc Developer Workshop[edit]

next Meetings[edit]

  • 09.08.11 ? or 23.08.11

Scheduled Committer Meetings[edit]

  • 09.08.11
  • 23.08.11
  • 06.09.11
  • 20.09.11
  • 04.10.11
  • 18.10.11
  • 08.11.11
  • 22.11.11
  • 06.12.11
  • 20.12.11


VidCo: ip ISDN 089.38602-595
TelCo: ISDN 089.38602-213
phone: Natasa 089.38602-223