PubMan Func Spec Basket

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Add one or more item(s) to basket[edit]


  • Status: implemented


  • User wants to combine results of several resources for common reuse, like export.
  • User (librarian) wants to collect entered/modified items to create a list.


  • User


  • Basket may be empty or filled with items.
  • None of the items that should be added are already included in basket.
  • Item can be in any status.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to open a list of items. This can happen by executing a search or by opening "My items" or "Import Workspace".
  • 2. The user marks all items that should be added to basket.
  • 3. The user clicks on button "add to basket" in list view.
  • 4. The marked items are entered to basket. The counting of the included items is updated.
  • 5. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • The added items are included in basket. When opening the basket all of the added items are displayed as list. The counting of included items is updated and shows the current number of items in basket.

Add several item versions to basket[edit]


  • Status: implemented


  • The user wants to view the details of the item version.


  • User


Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to view the selected item version.
  • 2. The system displays the data of the item version and the files. The possibility for download is offered for all files the user has privileges to access (for details see PubMan Visibility). The possibility to view detailed information about each organization related to the item is offered, providing that information on this organization is stored in the system.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user chooses to download a file.
    • 3.1. The system provides the file for download.
  • 4. (Optionally) The user (only logged in users of the corresponding context) chooses to send an E-Mail to the moderator of the context, the item is administrated at.
    • 4.1 A Link from view item version is displayed. When the user clicks on the link, a new window opens with to prefilled with the contact address of the moderator of the responsible context and with the escidoc Id prefilled as subject. Further more the user can write a text and then send the Mail. Currently we took the mail address, as the contact address can't be defined per context yet.
  • 4. (Optionally) The user chooses to view detailed information about an organization related to the item.
  • 5. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the researcher profile of an author related to the item.
    • 5.1. The researcher profile, including a list of publications and person information stored in the CoNE service (see UC View researcher portfolio), is displayed, if the respective author has an authorized CONE person ID.
  • 6. Extension point: view release history
    • 6.1. If the user wants to view all released versions of the item and there is at least one released version of the item, include use case UC_PM_BD_05 view release history.
  • 7. Extension point: view item event log
    • 7.1. If the user is in any role defined in the workflows for the item’s collection and wants to view the log entries for the item versions, include use case UC_PM_BD_06 view item event log.
  • 8. Extension point: view revisions of item
    • 8.1. If the user wants to view all related revisions of the item and if there is at least one related revision of the item, include use case UC_PM_BD_07 view revisions of item.
  • 10. Extension point: create item from template
  • 11. Extension point: create new revision of item
    • 11.1. If the user has the role “Depositor”, and the current item version is in state “released” and the user wants to create a new revision for that released version, include use case UC_PM_SM_11 create new revision of item.
  • 12. Extension point: modify item
    • 12.1. If the user is allowed to start the modification workflow for the item, the last item version is selected and in state “released” and the user wants to modify that item version, include UC_PM_QA_11 modify item.
  • 13. Extension point: withdraw item
    • 13.1. If the user is the owner of that item, the last item version is in state “released” and the user wants to withdraw that item, include use case UC_PM_QA_09 withdraw item.
  • 14. Extension point: do simple export
  • 15. Extension point: grant or revoke audience privileges for files
  • 16. The use case ends successfully.


  • 2a. The item is in state “withdrawn”.
    • 1. The system displays the withdrawal comment, the withdrawal date and the item data (see PubMan Display). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • The details of the item are displayed, including the information how to cite this item.

Future Developement[edit]