PubMan Func Spec Submission/PubMed Central Mapping
Format Name[edit]
Source: PMC
Target: escidoc-publication-item
PubMed Central - PubMan Mapping[edit]
This mapping is related to the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set Tag Library version 2.3
PubMed Central Element | PubMan Metadata Set | Occurrence | Attribute | Description |
article | Publication set type="article" and Publication.Source set type="journal" |
once | -- | Root envelope |
journal-meta.journal-id | if journal-id-type= issn: Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="eidt:ISSN" if journal-id-type= doi: Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="dcterms:DOI" else: Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="other" |
once | journal-id-type | identifier for the journal When mapping an identifier to other the identifier prefix should be added to the identifier value |
journal-meta.journal-title | Publication.Source.Title | zero or many | The title of the journal | |
journal-meta.journal-subtitle | Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | The subtitle of the journal | |
journal-meta.trans-title | Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | content-type, id, xml:lang | An alternative version of a title that has been translated into a language other than that of the original title |
journal-meta.trans-subtitle | Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | content-type, id, xml:lang | An alternative version of a subtitle that has been translated into a language other than that of the original subtitle |
journal-meta.abbrev-journal-title | Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | abbrev-type | A short form of the title of the journal |
journal-meta.issn | Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="eidt:ISSN" If pub-type = epub set prefix eissn: |
zero or many | pub-type | International Standard Series Number |
journal-meta.publisher.publisher-name | Publication.Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher | once | ||
journal-meta.publisher.publisher-loc | Publication.Source.PublishingInfo.Place | zero or once | ||
article-meta.article-id | if pub-id-type= issn: Publication.Identifier set Type="ISSN" if pub-id-type= doi: Publication.Identifier set Type="dcterms:DOI" if pub-id-type= pmc or pmcid: Publication.Identifier set Type="pmc" if pub-id-type= pmid: Publication.Identifier set Type="pmid" else: Publication.Identifier set Type="other" |
zero or many | pub-id-type | When mapping an identifier to other the identifier prefix should be added to the identifier value |
article-meta.article-categories.subject-group.subject | Publication.Subject | once or many | content-type | Name of one subject |
article-meta.title-group.article-title | Publication.Title | once | id, xml:lang | The full title of a article |
article-meta.title-group.subtitle | Publication.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | content-type, xml:lang | The subtitle of a article |
article-meta.title-group.trans-title | Publication.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | content-type, id, xml:lang | An alternative version of an article title that has been translated into a language other than that of the original article title |
article-meta.title-group.trans-subtitle | Publication.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | content-type, id, xml:lang | An alternative version of an article subtitle that has been translated into a language other than that of the original article subtitle |
article-meta.title-group.alt-title | Publication.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | alt-title-type | An alternative or “different” version of an article title |
article-meta.contrib-group.contrib | creatortype = person if contrib-type=author or Author Publication.Creator set role = "Author" if contrib-type= editor or Editor Publication.Creator set role = "Editor" else: Publication.Creator set role = "Contributer" |
once or many | contrib-type, corresp, deceased, equal-contrib, id, rid, xlink:actuate, xlink:href, xlink:role, xlink:show, xlink:title, xlink:type, xmlns:xlink | Wrapper element to contain the information about a single contributor | | Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName | once | initials | The surname of a person | | Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName | zero or once | initials | All given names of a person
article-meta.contrib-group.aff | Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Name, Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Identifier=<external organization identifier> | once | content-type, id, rid | the affiliation for a contributor |
article-meta.aff | Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Name, Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Identifier=<external organization identifier> | once | content-type, id, rid | aff can be located in different location due to definition. Decided with Julia that we look under article-meta and article-meta.contrib-group for this information. |
article-meta.contrib-group.aff.addr-line | Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Adress | zero or once | content-type | An address |
article-meta.aff.addr-line | Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Adress | zero or once | content-type | An address | | Publication.Date if pub-type= epub: DateType = published online if pub-type= ppub: DateType = published in print, if pub-type= epub-ppub: DateType = published online & published in print if pub-type=ecorrected: DateType = modified if pub-type= pcorrected: DateType = modified |
zero or many | pub-type (epub, ppub, epub-ppub, epreprint, ppreprint, ecorrected, pcorrected, eretracted, pretracted) | Date this article was published or released in one particular format |
article-meta.volume | Publication.Source.Volume | zero or once | content-type, seq | Number of a journal within a series |
article-meta.issue | Publication.Source.Issue | zero or once | content-type, seq | The issue number of a journal |
article-meta.issue-id | If new Source Issue created, then Publication.Source(2).Identifier = issue-id, type = mapping like journal-id type |
zero or many | content-type, pub-id-type | Used to record a name or identifier, such as a DOI, that describes an entire issue of a journal |
article-meta.issue-title | Create new Source with type Issue Publication.Source(2).Title = issue-title |
zero or many | content-type | Used to record the theme or special issue title for an issue of the journal (source of source) |
article-meta.ext-link | File.Identifier set type=URI, contentCategory= Supplementary Material |
zero or many | ...xlink:href, xlink:title... | Link to external info (@Julia: do not map this now, this needs further discussion) |
article-meta.self-uri | Publication.Identifier set Type=URI | zero or many | ... | The textual content of this element may be a URI |
article-meta.fpage | Publication.Source.StartPage | zero or once | content-type, seq | The page number on which an article starts |
article-meta.lpage | Publication.Source.EndPage | zero or once | content-type | The page number on which the article ends | | TotalNumberOfPages | zero or once | content-type | A container element for additional page information to record discontinuous pages ranges |
article-meta.elocation-id | Publication.Source.SequenceNumber | zero or once | content-type, seq | Page identifier for an article that does not have traditional page numbers |
article-meta.abstract | Publication.Abstract | zero or once | abstract-type, id, xml:lang | |
article-meta.trans-abstract | Publication.Abstract | zero or once | abstract-type, id, xml:lang | |
article-meta.kwd-group.kwd | Publication.Subject | once or many | id | |
article-meta.conference.conf-date | Publication.Event.StartDate | zero or many | content-type | |
article-meta.conference.conf-name | Publication.Event.Title | zero or many | content-type | |
article-meta.conference.conf-num | Add to Publication.Event.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | content-type | |
article-meta.conference.conf-loc | Publication.Event.Place | zero or many | content-type | |
article-meta.conference.conf-acronym | Publication.Event.AlternativeTitle | zero or many | ||
article-meta.permissions.copyright-statement | rights | Copyright notice or statement, suitable for printing or display default: | ||
article-meta.permissions.copyright-year | dateCopyrighted | |||
article-meta.permissions.copyright-holder | add to rights | |||
article-meta.permissions.license@xlink:href | license | |||
article-meta.permissions.license | add to dc:rights, seperated by space |
- The abstract element can contain markup which we have to parse out
XML Examples[edit]
- Beispiel1
- Beispiel2 (with conference info and copyright statement)
- Beispiel3 (with address info)
- Beispiel4 (with address info)