Difference between revisions of "Checklist for Metadata Changes"

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Line 91: Line 91:
*'''DDC identifiers'''
*'''DDC identifiers'''
**no change with FOXML now, has to be taken into Lucene transformation, see Lucene transformation changes
**no change with FOXML now, has to be taken into Lucene transformation, see Lucene transformation changes
**has to be revisited in next release, by adding xsi:type to dc:subject metadata in any case as there would be additional classifications


Revision as of 16:41, 9 December 2009

Changes in Quellcode[edit]

Decision: extend with JusCMS genres/creator roles and new metadata (in schema only, not in PubMan code)
  • update XSLTs in
    • transformation (partly done, the newer transformations + LL, ZFN, other migrations)
    • structured_exportmanager (status has to be checked)
    • cone_presentation (no changes needed)
    • validation (partly done, has to be revised and retested)
    • parent poms (both property sections) (todo)
    • citation styles (status has to be checked)
  • update ValueObjects (will not be done for new genres and new metadata)
  • update JibX-Bindings
  • check eSciDoc Admin and OU metadata changes (
  • if necessary update GUI/JSPFs (needed only if changes in Value objects)
  • if necessary update Resource bundles (needed only if changes in value objects)
  • tests and test.xmls have to be updated (partly done, has to be re-checked)

Changes in Colab[edit]

  • update Metadata Sets
    • add also JusCMS specific genres for genre type and source type? (list is available)--Natasa 16:38, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
    • add JusCMS author roles (list is available)?--Natasa 16:38, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
  • update Mapping Specifications



  • clarify modification of identifiers
  • clarify modification of predicates
  • synchronized with Person profile?

Third party applications[edit]

  • clarify with MPI PL
  • clarify with blogs
  • clarify with Cluster Jus/Contens --Ulla 11:00, 24 November 2009 (UTC)
    • Backward compatible interface will be provided for MPIPL and blogs
    • JUSCMS communicated with Contents

Identifiers from CONE in Publication Metadata[edit]

Values of identifiers of things coming from CONE has to be provided as URIs in following manner:

  • person identifiers
          <escidoc:identifier xsi:type="eidt:CONE">urn:cone:persons30</escidoc:identifier> 
          has to be changed with
          <escidoc:identifier xsi:type="eidt:CONE">http://cone.mpdl.mpg.de/person/persons30</escidoc:identifier>
  • Journal identifiers
    • CONE identifier is not into the journal identifiers in publication metadata
    • TBD: can not be added with MD transformation?, lookup required to match to CONE IDs and add additional identifier as CONE;
  • DDC identifiers
    • no change with FOXML now, has to be taken into Lucene transformation, see Lucene transformation changes
    • has to be revisited in next release, by adding xsi:type to dc:subject metadata in any case as there would be additional classifications
  • Languages
   <dc:language xsi:type="dcterms:RFC3066">en</dc:language>
   has to be changed with
   <dc:language xsi:type="dcterms:ISO639-3">eng</dc:language>
   note: replacement of xsi:type and value

Replacement of data available from core-service live:

   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"da"  => dan
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"de"  => deu
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"el"  => ell
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"en"  => eng
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"es"  => spa
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"fi"  => fin
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"fr"  => fra
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"it"  => ita
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"ja"  => jpn
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"ko"  => kor
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"ne"  => nep
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"nl"  => nld
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"pl"  => pol
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"pt"  => por
   "/md-records/md-record/publication/language";"zh"  => zho