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On this page, all functionalities of the current PubMan release can be found.  
==Functionalities R5==
Short summary on the functionalities, that have to be added to the main page of PubMan_Funtionalities and that have to be tested and described in the context sensitive help.

* [[PubMan_Ingestion#UC_PM_IN_01_import_file_in_structured_format|Ingestion]] (EndNote, WoS, RIS)
*Easy Submission and Full Submission
* [[PubMan_Ingestion#UC_PM_IN_02_Batch_release.2Fsubmit_imported_items|Batch Operations]]
*Document-type specific submission
* [[PubMan_Look-Up_Services#Author-centered_Look-Up_Options|look-up service]]
*Fetch (meta)data from: arXiv, PubMed Central, BioMed Central*and SPIRES*
* [[PubMan_Look-Up_Services#Social_Bookmarking|social bookmarking]]
*Import files using a locator
* [[PubMan_Web_Syndication_Feeds|RSS Feeds]]
*Multiple Import from EndNote, WoS, RIS, BibTeX (incl. link to full text)*
* [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Submission#UC_PM_SM_04_fetch_metadata_from_external_system|fetch from SPIRES and BioMed Central]]--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
*Batch operations during import*
* [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Browsing_and_displays#UC_PM_BD_04_view_item_version|contact moderator from view item version]], use case needs to be adapted still
*Provision of copyright information*, Creative Commons (CC)–licenses to full texts*, embargo time *
* [https://zim01.gwdg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/R5_Prototype/index.html change skin]
*Provision of access rights to full texts: public/private/restricted* (for defined user groups)
* automatic generation of E-Mail, when a new user has been created
*Auto-suggest lists for author names, journals and subjects (based on CoNe Identifier)
* change password (not sure if this will be integrated into PubMan interface or not)
*Customizable validation rules for individual contexts
* change of depositor role
* history of affiliations (will be partly implemented; history will only be viewable via OU tree)
* collaborator role (R5?)
* visibility (R5?)
* policy for the MPG repository--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)  
* Copyright MD--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* SWORD Service
* support for search engine indexing (e.g. google) via sitemaps--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* fetch locator file during submission--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 10:43, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
* All relevant services for re-use (Validation service, CoNe, Search&Export, Data Acquisition,)--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 08:02, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

==Functionalities R4.1==
Short summary on the functionalities, that have to be added to the main page of PubMan_Funtionalities.

''Image: PubMan Easy Submission mask.''
* Researcher Portfolio
* genre specific entry mask
* CoNE + autosuggest (persons, journals, language, subject--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC))
*Quick Search - Advanced Search
*Organization search (incl. history*)
* local tags
*Search in full texts (pdf, doc, txt, xml), incl. highlighting of search term in the results
* eDoc migration
* basket
* copy&paste authors during submission--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
''Image: PubMan Advanced Search mask.''
* visualisation statistics--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* Workspaces (QA workspace, my items)--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
==Researcher Portfolio==
* Support BibTex--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
*All publications of an author (optionally: with personal information, photo, CV, etc.)
* fetch MD plus fulltext (arxiv, PubMed Central, escidoc instances)--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
*Look-up in WorldCat and google Scholar*
* improved adv search--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* Status Migration (MPI PL done)--[[User:Uat|Ulla]] 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
''Image: Researcher Portfolio.''
*Automatic working versions (when changing metadata or number of full texts)
*Intellectual versions (revisions) for relations
==Help/ Comfort features==
*Blog integration on the homepage (News)
*Context-sensitive help
*Multilingualism (german, englisch, japanese)
*Automatic e-mail for new users
*„Change password“ functionality
*Simple Workflow: Submit and Release by depositor, additional changes possible by moderator
*Standard Workflow: Submit by depositor, Accept or Send back for rework by moderator – Release by moderator. Additional changes possible by moderator (additional changes also possible by depositor*)
*E-mail contact for a specific item (configurable mail- address)*
*Workspaces: My Items, QA (Quality Assurance) Workspace, Import Workspace*
*Collaboration scenario* (access for specific users before actual release)
==Export/ Re-use==
*Export of single items or lists (sorted) in EndNote, BibTeX, xml
*Exports available for download or via e-mail
*Support of citation styles APA or AJP, in RTF, ODT, PDF, HTML or as Snippet (XML)
*Basket export
*Alternative list views (bibliographic list, table view)
*RSS/ATOM feeds*, OAI-PMH*
*Bookmarking Services (delicious, connotea, CiteULike)*
*Search & Export (REST) interface for integration of data in local web pages
*Interface to Open Search and Zotero
*Changes of Style sheet via Browser
*Access on „private“ full texts for defined „privileged viewers“
==Supporting Services & Solutions==
*CoNe – Control of named entities (persons, journals, languages, subjects, etc.) http://test-pubman.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/cone/
*Validation service http://test-pubman.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/validation/
*eSciDoc Admin Solution – for setting up and managing user accounts, contexts, organizations (for all eSciDoc solutions)  
[[Image:CoNE_Names.jpg‎ ]]
''Image: Auto-suggest for persons.''
*Counts on accessed metadata and/or full texts (by logged-in/ anonymous users)
''Image: PubMan statistics visualization.''

Revision as of 12:16, 8 June 2009

Functionalities R5[edit]

Short summary on the functionalities, that have to be added to the main page of PubMan_Funtionalities and that have to be tested and described in the context sensitive help.

  • Ingestion (EndNote, WoS, RIS)
  • Batch Operations
  • look-up service
  • social bookmarking
  • RSS Feeds
  • fetch from SPIRES and BioMed Central--Ulla 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • contact moderator from view item version, use case needs to be adapted still
  • change skin
  • automatic generation of E-Mail, when a new user has been created
  • change password (not sure if this will be integrated into PubMan interface or not)
  • change of depositor role
  • history of affiliations (will be partly implemented; history will only be viewable via OU tree)
  • collaborator role (R5?)
  • visibility (R5?)
  • policy for the MPG repository--Ulla 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Copyright MD--Ulla 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • SWORD Service
  • support for search engine indexing (e.g. google) via sitemaps--Ulla 15:10, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • fetch locator file during submission--Ulla 10:43, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
  • All relevant services for re-use (Validation service, CoNe, Search&Export, Data Acquisition,)--Ulla 08:02, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Functionalities R4.1[edit]

Short summary on the functionalities, that have to be added to the main page of PubMan_Funtionalities.

  • Researcher Portfolio
  • genre specific entry mask
  • CoNE + autosuggest (persons, journals, language, subject--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC))
  • AJP
  • local tags
  • eDoc migration
  • basket
  • copy&paste authors during submission--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • visualisation statistics--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Workspaces (QA workspace, my items)--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Support BibTex--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • fetch MD plus fulltext (arxiv, PubMed Central, escidoc instances)--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • improved adv search--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Status Migration (MPI PL done)--Ulla 15:05, 15 April 2009 (UTC)