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= Open Issues =
= Open Issues =

'''Time''': The automatic created timestamp in the list "recent changes" is incorrect with the actual time (the timestamp for the signature fits) --[[User:Kristina|Kristina]] 08:10, 17 October 2007 (CEST)
'''Time''': The automatic created timestamp in the list "[[Special:Recentchanges|recent changes]]" is incorrect with the actual time (the timestamp for the signature fits) --[[User:Kristina|Kristina]] 08:10, 17 October 2007 (CEST)
: Today, I noticed that the [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] include a section about date&time settings. This allows you to define a time "offset", i.e. the number of hours the local time differs from server time. After setting this value to 2:00, the timestamps in recent changes are corrected. Anyway, changing the server time might be more appropriate. --[[User:Inga|Inga]] 12:11, 23 October 2007 (CEST)

'''Search''': The search engine and results are somehow weird! Searching for "aspb" returns a hit, but "isi" does not - even there is a [[Trip_Report:_ISI_Visit_8th_October_2007|trip report]] with the string in its title --[[User:Inga|Inga]] 10:55, 10 October 2007 (CEST)
'''Search''': The search engine and results are somehow weird! Searching for "aspb" returns a hit, but "isi" does not - even there is a [[Trip_Report:_ISI_Visit_8th_October_2007|trip report]] with the string in its title --[[User:Inga|Inga]] 10:55, 10 October 2007 (CEST)

Revision as of 10:11, 23 October 2007

This side is meant for collecting feedback about the CoLab, please add your feedback at the top of the list. Please sign all of your comments with your signature (~~~~)

Open Issues[edit]

Time: The automatic created timestamp in the list "recent changes" is incorrect with the actual time (the timestamp for the signature fits) --Kristina 08:10, 17 October 2007 (CEST)

Today, I noticed that the user preferences include a section about date&time settings. This allows you to define a time "offset", i.e. the number of hours the local time differs from server time. After setting this value to 2:00, the timestamps in recent changes are corrected. Anyway, changing the server time might be more appropriate. --Inga 12:11, 23 October 2007 (CEST)

Search: The search engine and results are somehow weird! Searching for "aspb" returns a hit, but "isi" does not - even there is a trip report with the string in its title --Inga 10:55, 10 October 2007 (CEST)

In addition, the search page links to an article "Searching MPDLMediaWiki" which is currently not existing --Inga 11:04, 10 October 2007 (CEST)

Page Naming: As the CoLab is currently growing it might be reasonable to discuss some naming "proposals", e.g. that project/solution specific pages should include a reference to this project/solution in its title. I also would recommend to rename a range of existing pages (like Search, Submission) to follow this proposal--Inga 15:16, 27 September 2007 (CEST)

For PubMan pages, the re-naming is in process. --Ulla 15:48, 8 October 2007 (CEST)
Is this something, we would like to note down somewhere, e.g. in the editorial policy? --Inga 10:56, 10 October 2007 (CEST)

Copyright Policy: Add a Project:Copyrights page (see edit mask below) --Inga 19:46, 18 September 2007 (CEST)

Protect pages from changes: Mediawiki provides some basic functionalities to prevent pages from eding and moving, see mediawiki manual --Inga 03:12, 12 September 2007 (CEST)

Recent Changes: To check if this function can be set to "Main" by default --Inga 10:39, 4 September 2007 (CEST)

Language Policy: quoting from the main page: Contributions can be in english or german. Please have in mind, that contributing in english, you might reach a bigger audience - I would suggest though to switch completely to english. I find it already a bit confusing, having a mix of german and english sites (and even mixed on one page - like here) --Christina 10:04, 30 August 2007 (CEST)

Wir haben vor einiger Zeit festgelegt, dass die Sprache frei wählbar sein soll, um CoLab möglichst für viele Teilnehmer/innen offen zu halten. Daraufhin wurde obiger Satz in die Policy eingefügt. --Monika 16:23, 11 September 2007 (CEST)
Ok, here a my reasons for questioning the language policy: a) Given that there are people who understand exclusively either german or english, IMHO they won't find it more useful, because there is no obvious way to know which sites are german and which are english (some pages have english titles, but german content). b) The language-divide is not along topics (which is what users would be interested in), but along the initial author's preferences. c) I also believe that in our 'professional domain' virtually all native german speakers are able to read and contribute to english websites. but NOT vice versa. d) Judging from my own experience, i think people would prefer to work in a (linguistical) coherent environment, even if it's not 'oxford-english'. e) This will also help maintaining a clear terminology when talking e.g. about technical issues.
To sum up, i believe this author- instead of user-oriented view will not increase the number of participants. I was making the comment above because i thought now might be a good point to evaluate this policy. --Christina 12:30, 19 September 2007 (CEST)
i agree with christina in mostly all points..still, having in mind the language problem identified during cooperation with librarians in pubman project (english language was definitely a barrier for communication), we considered this rather free policy. fine for me, to keep the current "policy" (which is actually a recommendation for english) on pubman pages, and find another for the rest of pages.--Ulla 14:01, 19 September 2007 (CEST)
hm, well, if there is already a defined user group that is better served with german.... Would it make sense to tag pages with "English" or "German" (categories)? --Christina 15:12, 19 September 2007 (CEST)
I personally like the idea of language categories, but is that solving the problem? At least, we would have a possibility to separate the pages -- 00:14, 20 September 2007 (CEST)

Informationen zur "All Categories" Seite: Auf dieser Seite erscheinen nur die Kategorien, denen mindestens ein Artikel zugeordnet ist. Dies führte bisher leider zu einigen Verwirrungen. Wäre es möglich, einen entsprechenden Vermerk auf die Seite zu setzen, damit die User nicht denken, das bereits angelegte Kategorien ohne Artikel wieder gelöscht wurden bzw. fehlerhaft angelegt wurden? --Kristina 09:18, 10 August 2007 (CEST)

Suche nach Kategorien-Seiten: Problem: Kategorien-Seiten werden zur Zeit als Einstiegsseiten in Projekte verwendet, Bsp. Category:PubMan. Bei der Suche nach PubMan findet man aber die Category-Seite nicht. Auch über All Pages finde ich die Kategorien-Seite nicht. --Kristina 11:35, 25 July 2007 (CEST)

Die Suche ist standardmaessig auf den "Main"-Namespace eingeschränkt, evtl. könnte man den auf die "Categories" erweitern? --Inga 10:31, 26 July 2007 (CEST)
Möglicher Workaround: Die Kategorien Seiten werden nicht mit Inhalt versehen, sondern es wird eine Normale Seite mit dem gleichen Namen wie die Kategorie erstellt, die dann den Content beinhaltet und auch unter der Kategorie zu finden ist. Siehe Organizing Pages--Kristina 13:40, 4 September 2007 (CEST)

MPDL Logo auf der linken Seite oben: Meine Erwartungshaltung waere, beim Klick darauf auf die MPDL homepage zu kommen (und nicht auf die CoLab Einstiegseite). Der Link zur MPDL homepage ist auch wichtig, da aus meiner Sicht die CoLab Seiten "komplementaer" zu den offiziellen MPDL Homepage verstanden werden sollten. --Uat 12:15, 24 July 2007 (CEST)

Ja, sehe ich ähnlich. Entweder man erweitert das Logo um eine Unterzeile "CoLaboratory" oder man verlinkt auf www.mpdl.mpg.de. Letzteres empfiehlt sich aber jedenfalls momentan noch nicht, da die Seiten immer noch nicht aktualisiert sind. Ich hoffe, dass ich ab 15.9. Zeit finde, dies zu verbessern. --Monika 09:38, 26 July 2007 (CEST)


Problem: DNS Resolving http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de: Peter Wittenburg as well as Anke Bruns reported problems with access CoLab. According to Vlad, the problem needs to be solved by IT department --Inga 13:49, 21 August 2007 (CEST)  : Das Problem auf dem GWDG DNS Server sollte inzwischen behoben sein. --Monika 16:40, 22 August 2007 (CEST) 16:38, 22 August 2007 (CEST)

Vorschlag: "All Categories" Seite besser sichtbar machen duch Aufnahme in die linke Navigationsleiste --Kristina 17:27, 25 July 2007 (CEST)

Fände ich gut, wenn sich das technisch machen laesst. --Monika 09:40, 26 July 2007 (CEST)
Alles ist machbar ;). Einfach einen Link auf Special:Categories aufnehmen --Inga 10:27, 26 July 2007 (CEST)

Feedback Seite besser sichtbar machen: Eventuell kann man Feedback Seite auf die linke Navileiste setzen, um sichtbarer zu werden? --Kristina 11:35, 25 July 2007 (CEST) : Done --Inga 10:41, 4 September 2007 (CEST)


IP protection: Hermann Schier requested an IP protected area in the MPDL colab. Please check options and inform Hermann about them. --Inga 13:49, 21 August 2007 (CEST)

Leider ist es vorläufig nicht möglich, IP protected areas anzulegen (kein tool in der Mediawiki-Installation verfügbar). Einzige Option derzeit: Anlegen von Usergroups. --Monika 16:45, 28 August 2007 (CEST)

Questions and Answers[edit]

Date Categories?: What is the reason for having dates as categories? (Just wondered while I had a look at All Categories) --Christina 09:56, 30 August 2007 (CEST)

These date categories are used by the calender plugin, please discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages there --Inga 15:09, 30 August 2007 (CEST)