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In the basic demonstration scenario, PubMan will be extended with a functionality to annotate a publication by linking it to external data resources of interest e.g. probes, genomes, meta-genomes etc.  
In the basic demonstration scenario, PubMan will be extended with a functionality to annotate a publication by linking it to external data resources of interest e.g. probes, genomes, meta-genomes etc.  
In the first stage the [http://www.arb-silva.de/ Silva database] will be considered as a repository where such data resources reside.
In the first stage the [http://www.arb-silva.de/ Silva database] will be considered as a repository where such data resources reside.
A screen Mock-up for the envisioned scenario is displayed in the image below (note that mock-up and implementation may differ after the revision with the Institute):
A screen Mock-up for the envisioned scenario is displayed in the images below (note that mock-up and implementation may differ after the revision with the Institute).
===Create new Silva Annotation===
===Create Silva Annotation===


*User chooses to create a Silva Annotation for a particular Publication
* The user chooses to create a Silva Annotation for a selected publication
*The system offers a form for entering an annotation (the form also contains a list of icons for available services for a Silva annotation e.g. GeoBlast, Map Server, EMBL-EBI)
* The system offers a form for entering an annotation (the form also contains a list of icons for available services for a Silva annotation e.g. GeoBlast, Map Server, EMBL-EBI)
*User enters a URL of the Silva resource  
* User enters an URL of the Silva resource  
*The System fetches the Silva resource data from predefined web service (e.g. Silva service) and populates the annotation fields (e.g. description, location, etc.) correspondingly
* The System fetches the Silva resource data from a predefined web service (e.g. Silva service) and populates the annotation fields (e.g. description, location, etc.) correspondingly
*User adds additional metadata if necessary (e.g. comment) and saves the Annotation
* The user adds additional metadata if necessary (e.g. comment) and saves the annotation

===View Annotation===
===View Annotation===

*User chooses to view Annotations for the Publication
*The System displays the Annotation Browser and lists all annotations for the selected publication
*The user may also browse through other types of Annotations that exist for the selected publication
*The user may decide to modify an annotation or add another annotation of particular annotation type
*The user may decide to invoke an external service for the target source (i.e. Silva resource) referenced in the annotation, by triggering respective service icon (e.g. GeoBlast, EMBL)

===List my publications linked to the annotated resources for inclusion in my web pages===
* The user chooses to view all annotations for a selected publication
* The system displays the Annotation Browser and lists all annotations for the selected publication
* The user may also browse through other types of Annotations that exist for the selected publication
* The user may decide to modify an annotation or add another annotation of a particular annotation type
* The user may decide to invoke an external service for the target source (i.e. Silva resource) referenced in the annotation, by triggering a respective service icon (e.g. GeoBlast, EMBL)
** What will happen when such a service is triggered here? --[[User:Kristina|Kristina]] 11:05, 25 January 2011 (UTC)
=== Export Annotation ===
Aim: To create a list of my publications which includes the annotated resources as links. This list than can be included on my web page.

*User chooses to export his publications into a new "APA-annotated" citation style
* The user chooses to export his publications into a new "APA-annotated" citation style
*User defines the search criteria to get a list of publications
* The user defines the search criteria to get a list of publications
*The system provides an APA-annotated citation style (with additional information on annotated resources), as in the example below:
* The system provides an APA-annotated citation style (with additional information on annotated resources), as in the example below:



=== Search based on Coordinates ===

===Provide coordinates of a search area and retrieve a list of all publications and Silva resources related to the institute expeditions===
Aim: To provide coordinates of a specific area of interest and retrieve a list of all publications and Silva resources related to this area.


*User enters coordinates of a search area into the search interface(see Note below)
* The user enters the coordinates of a search area into the search interface
*The system retrieves a list of Silva sequences for the requested coordinates
* The system retrieves a list of Silva sequences for the requested coordinates
*The system retrieves a list of publications for the requested Silva sequences
* The system retrieves a list of publications for the requested Silva sequences
*The system displays a Map showing the hits for sequences and a list of related publications into a new "APA-annotated" citation style
* The system displays a map showing the hits for sequences and a list of all related publications per hit into a new "APA-annotated" citation style

Note: this use case may be used as an integration with the GeoBlast web service
Note: This use case may be used as an integration with the GeoBlast web service

===Related services and information===
===Related services and information===

Revision as of 11:05, 25 January 2011

This is a protected page.


  • MPDL
  • Max-Planck-Institut für marine Mikrobiologie in Bremen see MPIMB

Short description[edit]

Use cases[edit]

  • I would like to have a list of my publications linked to the Silva resources I have been working on represented on the home page of my research group and on my personal home page
    • or in other wording: as a user of PubMan i would like to link my publication to one or more Silva resources via Silva accession ID, and have the Silva accession ID included into the PubMan citation
  • I would like to be able to provide search by Silva accession ID and retrieve all publications related to this ID
  • I would like to provide coordinates of a search area, and be able to retrieve a list of all publications and Silva resources related to Marine Microbiology expeditions in that area.
  • I would like to have a list of all publications related to an expedition
  • In my blog http://wissenschafts-blog.abendblatt.de I would like to provide an RSS feed of the publications that reference the expedition the blog is about


In the basic demonstration scenario, PubMan will be extended with a functionality to annotate a publication by linking it to external data resources of interest e.g. probes, genomes, meta-genomes etc. In the first stage the Silva database will be considered as a repository where such data resources reside. A screen Mock-up for the envisioned scenario is displayed in the images below (note that mock-up and implementation may differ after the revision with the Institute).

Create Silva Annotation[edit]


  • The user chooses to create a Silva Annotation for a selected publication
  • The system offers a form for entering an annotation (the form also contains a list of icons for available services for a Silva annotation e.g. GeoBlast, Map Server, EMBL-EBI)
  • User enters an URL of the Silva resource
  • The System fetches the Silva resource data from a predefined web service (e.g. Silva service) and populates the annotation fields (e.g. description, location, etc.) correspondingly
  • The user adds additional metadata if necessary (e.g. comment) and saves the annotation

View Annotation[edit]


  • The user chooses to view all annotations for a selected publication
  • The system displays the Annotation Browser and lists all annotations for the selected publication
  • The user may also browse through other types of Annotations that exist for the selected publication
  • The user may decide to modify an annotation or add another annotation of a particular annotation type
  • The user may decide to invoke an external service for the target source (i.e. Silva resource) referenced in the annotation, by triggering a respective service icon (e.g. GeoBlast, EMBL)
    • What will happen when such a service is triggered here? --Kristina 11:05, 25 January 2011 (UTC)

Export Annotation[edit]

Aim: To create a list of my publications which includes the annotated resources as links. This list than can be included on my web page.

  • The user chooses to export his publications into a new "APA-annotated" citation style
  • The user defines the search criteria to get a list of publications
  • The system provides an APA-annotated citation style (with additional information on annotated resources), as in the example below:


Search based on Coordinates[edit]

Aim: To provide coordinates of a specific area of interest and retrieve a list of all publications and Silva resources related to this area.


  • The user enters the coordinates of a search area into the search interface
  • The system retrieves a list of Silva sequences for the requested coordinates
  • The system retrieves a list of publications for the requested Silva sequences
  • The system displays a map showing the hits for sequences and a list of all related publications per hit into a new "APA-annotated" citation style

Note: This use case may be used as an integration with the GeoBlast web service

Related services and information[edit]

Important things[edit]