Service for Control of Named Entities

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eSciDoc SOA

SOAP and REST style interfaces
Service layers

Core services
Context Handler · Item Handler
Container Handler
Organizational Unit Handler
User Account Handler
Content Model Handler
Semantic Store Handler

Intermediate services
Validation Service
Statistics Manager
Technical Metadata extraction
Basket Handler
Duplication detection

Application services
Control of Named Entities
Citation style Manager
Fledged Data
PID Cache

SOA Introduction


Work in progress

The purpose of this service is to provide methods to deal with controlled lists of named entities to assure data quality and facilitate data access and data entry. Read more on the background here.


The Control of named entities (Cone) service at present supports the following named entity types:

  • Journals
  • Languages
  • Persons
  • DDC subjects
  • Mimetypes
  • eSciDoc mimetypes

It is integrated with PubMan in the publication metadata editing forms via "auto suggest" component for respective metadata edit fields (journal name, language of the publication).


The CoNE service supports the following operations:

  • searching (based on the metadata of named entity i.e. in case of journals: journal name, publisher name, place of publication
  • retrieving details of selected named entity e.g. retrieving the metadata of a selected journal based on the journal identifier
Operation Status Input Output Description
query implemented q:String
(opt)lang: String
String Scope:Public
Gives back a list of resources/ids in the given language (default 'en') matching the given query. The number of maximum hits given back is configurable (default 50).
details implemented id: String
(opt)lang: String
String Scope:Public
Returns all available information on the resource in the given language (default 'en') identified by the given id.
all implemented (opt)lang: String String Scope:Public
Gives back a list of all resources/ids in the given language (default 'en').


The CoNE service comes with a flexible interface definition that defines the Input/Output formats. The following formats are available

Interface Status Input Output Description
jquery implemented HTTP Get-Request jquery proprietary list, JSON HTTPServlet used by jquery Javascript components for autosuggest features
options implemented HTTP Get-Request Format that can easily be read by Java to generate JSF options HTTPServlet usable by Java a.o.
json implemented HTTP Get-Request pure JSON HTTPServlet usable by Javascript/AJAX components
html implemented HTTP Get-Request (X)HTML HTTPServlet that provides a human readable overview on the data (planned to be used for author pages)
rdf implemented HTTP Get-Request RDF/XML HTTPServlet that provides a RDF view on the data
unapi planned HTTP Get-Request varying HTTPServlet that conforms to the unAPI interface specification
vcard planned HTTP Get-Request ASCII(UTF-8 for single values possible using BASE64 encoding?) HTTPServlet that conforms to the vCard specification (RFC2425)

Current Named Entity Types[edit]


  • url to the journal service interface
  • metadata description
  • example urls to the service
  • url to the test-jsp


  • url to the language service interface
  • metadata description
  • example urls to the service


see under Persons


Dewey Decimal Classification


A list of the IANA mimetype list plus additional mimetypes needed for PubMan (currently used for validation).

eSciDoc mimetypes[edit]

A subset of the mimetypes list above. Planned to be used for PubMan in the future.