Upcoming events 2012
Please add new events in a chronologically ascending order and assign them to the right month. International conferences may be announced on Global conferences 2012 instead.
January 2012[edit]
=2012-01-08: Open Access:The new future of Academic Publishingin London[edit]
2012-01-20: Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement in Dallas[edit]
February 2012[edit]
March 2012[edit]
2012-03-6: 3.I-Science-Tag Fachhochschule Potsdam[edit]
April 2012[edit]
2012-04-12/13: Orphan Works & Mass Digitization: Obstacles and Opportunities in Berkeley[edit]
2012-04-16/18: Bibliothekstagung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am MPI für Kernphyisk in Heidelberg[edit]
May 2012[edit]
2012-05-14/18: WSIS Forum 2012 in Genf,Schweiz[edit]
2012-05-22/25: 101. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Hamburg, Germany[edit]
June 2012[edit]
2012-06-11/13:Structural Frameworks for Open, Digital Research - Strategy, Policy & Infrastructure in Copenhagen[edit]
2012-06-14/15:16th International Conference on Electronic Publishing in Guimarães, Portugal[edit]
July 2012[edit]
August 2012[edit]
September 2012[edit]
October 2012[edit]
November 2012[edit]
2012-11-5/7:WissKom2012: Vernetztes Wissen – Daten, Menschen, Systemein Jülich[edit]
December 2012[edit]
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