Trip Report: Practical SOA 15th Jan 2008

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Practical SOA, Frankfurt/Main 15th of Jan 2008 Participants: Natasa, Ulla

See slides of presentation on shared MPDL2 server.

  • Mainly big companies represented, no research organisation/digital library or non-profit organisation represented
  • Focus on experiences, approaches and architectures of big companies (e.g. Deutsche Telekom, SwissLife etc.)
  • Some consultants presented, focussing on SOA consulting and software products
  • Outcome:
    • eSciDoc architecture (and its problems) are on the track with really big SOA projects
    • eSciDoc actually small project
    • security issue is main challenge across all companies: role inheritance across composited services? Security issue mainly presented as "Human Ressources/Organisational problem", not IT problem