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CoLab Portal for eSciDoc
ESciDoc Logo.jpg

eSciDoc is a cooperation project between Max-Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) and Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ Karlsruhe).

The aim of the project is the development of an re-usable infrastructure and disciplin-specific solutions to support scientific communication and publication in research organizations. The CoLab pages that are organised in this portal and in the overall category eSciDoc provide insight in ongoing work and first deliverables and are the main platform for exchange with interested partners, pilots and projects.

See the official project homepage for more information on organization, motivations and background.

eSciDoc Solutions
The eSciDoc project is currently working on the following solutions:
PubMan Faces



For a quick overview go to the eSciDoc solutions summary.

Subject Areas
The following categories and articles refer to subject areas that provide information on the eSciDoc architecture, development, GUI-Design and Metadata.
  • Architecture: Article that provides general information on the eSciDoc architecture and links to more specific information
  • Development: Collection of articles related to eSciDoc in general
  • User Interface Engineering: Category of articles that deal with information on User Interface Engineering
  • Metadata: Category of articles with information on eSciDoc Metadata as well as general information on Metadata

Please note: Access to some articles in these subject areas might be restricted to eSciDoc Team members.

eSciDoc People
The following categories and articles provide information on and for the eSciDoc Team members.
  • eSciDoc Team: Category of particular interest for members of the eSciDoc team.
  • FIZ Team: List of eSciDoc users that belong to the FIZ team.
  • PubMan Piloten: Article with information on the PubMan pilots and related events. Please note: Access to this article is restricted to PubMan pilots and MPDL members.