WAT:Create A Project Website

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Webmaster Apprenticeship Training

How to create a project website


So you're a webmaster for a website that doesn't exist and your first task is to create it? There are several options of getting this done within the MPDL infrastructure.

Wordpress μ Blog[edit]

Wordpress isn't only a blogging software. It can easily serve as CMS. New blogs in our installation can be created by Lars and Robert, same goes for user accounts.

The Good[edit]

  • relatively easy to change the layout, in particular because there are lots of themes to choose from.
  • something like a "news" section is pretty much built-in - it's a blog after all.

The Bad[edit]

  • when it comes to support for collaboration

And The Ugly[edit]

Colab Portal[edit]

As you currently read this information, you already discovered the colab wiki. It is a publicly available installation of the mediawiki software. Everybody can register for an account and start to create new pages or to modify existing articles.

The Good[edit]

  • probably the easiest way to publish "single pieces" of information

The Bad[edit]

  • layout is defined for complete installation
  • very weak measures for access control

And The Ugly[edit]

Trac instance + Subversion repository[edit]


The Good[edit]

  • very good support for collaboration.

The Bad[edit]

  • relatively hard to change the layout.

And The Ugly[edit]

  • Served via HTTPS using a root certificate which isn't pre-installed in most browsers. Thus, not the first choice for public facing websites.

Web checkout of a Subversion repository[edit]

example: http://srvd.livingreviews.org/mdbase/trunk/