EScience Seminar 2008

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The topics for the eScience-Seminars in 2008 are:

  • Unique and persistend identifiers, 27/28 March 2008
    • Responsible for contents: Daan Broeder (MPI Nijmegen) and Malte Dreyer (MPDL)
    • Background: An increasing number of scientists uses the internet to link between primary and secondary resources, as well as publications for various reasons. The corresponding investments -- which are quite considerable -- have to be protected by keeping those links unique and persistent, unlike the widely used URLs.
    • Goal: The seminar will discuss suggestions for a stable mechanism for referencing sources persistently and will work out corresponding strategic measures for the Max Planck Society.
    • Place: RZG München
  • Aspects of long term archiving, 19/20 June 2008
    • Responsible for contents: Wolfgang Voges (MPI Garching) and Dagmar Ullrich (GWDG)
    • GWDG Göttingen
  • Metadata infrastructures, 23/24 October 2008
    • Responsible for contents: Peter Wittenburg (MPI Nijmegen) and Traugott Koch (MPDL)
    • MPDL Berlin

The flyer of the seminar series is available for download: Media:EScience2008_Flyer.pdf‎, and the poster can be downloaded as well: Media:EScience_PosterA2.pdf.‎

If you have other topics which you would suggest or if you would like to suggest priorities etc, please, add your comments to this forum. A more exhaustive list of possible topics can be found in the Themennet.