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Line 84: Line 84:
=Mapping RIS to eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications (for RIS import)=
=Mapping RIS to eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications (for RIS import)=
quick-and-dirty Perl conversion script: [[ris2escidoc.pl]]
quick-and-dirty Perl conversion script: [[ris2escidoc.pl]]
==Format Name==
'''Source:''' RIS <br/>
'''Target:''' escidoc-publication
==Mapping of Genres==
==Mapping of Genres==
{| border="1"
{| border="1"
Line 185: Line 190:
| UNBILI || Other || -
| UNBILl || Other || -
Line 209: Line 214:
| T1 || Title || -
| T1 || Title || Don't map if TY = JFULL.
| TI || Title || -
| TI || Title || Don't map if TY = JFULL.
| CT || Title || -
| CT || Title || Don't map if TY = JFULL.
Line 221: Line 226:
| T2 || Alternative.Title || -
| T2 || Alternative.Title || if Genre = Book Item, map T2 to source.title and set source.genre to book
Line 239: Line 244:
| A3 || Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName || can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Source.Creator.CreatorRole to Author.
| A3 || Source[genre=book].Creator.Person.CompleteName || can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Source.Creator.CreatorRole to Author.
| Y1 || Date.Date || add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
| Y1 || Date.issued || add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
| PY || Date.Date || add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
| PY || Date.issued || add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
| Y2 || Date.Date || if Y1/PY is missing. add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
| Y2 || Date.issued || if Y1/PY is missing. add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
Line 262: Line 267:
| JF || Source.Title || if BT is source.title (see comment from BT) then map to Source.AlternativeTitle. Otherwise map to Source.Title and Set Source.Genre to Journal
| JF || Source.Title || if TY = JFULL then map to Title instead. Otherwise, if BT is source.title (see comment from BT) then map to Source.AlternativeTitle. Otherwise map to Source.Title and Set Source.Genre to Journal
Line 277: Line 282:
| VL || PublishingInfo.Edition || if Genre = Book; if ET exists map VL to Source.Volume. Otherwise, map VL to Source.Volume
| <span style="color:red"> '''VL ''' </span>|| <span style="color:red"> ''' PublishingInfo.Edition[genre=book]''' </span> || <span style="color:red"> '''if there is no JF/JO or ET. Otherwise, map VL to Source.Volume instead.''' </span>
| IS || Source.Issue || -
| IS || Source.<span style="color:red">'''Volume'''</span>[genre=book]|| -
Line 287: Line 292:
| SP || Source.StartPage || if there is an EP. Otherwise, map SP to TotalNumberOfPages
| SP || Source.StartPage[genre=book] || if there is an EP. Otherwise, map SP to TotalNumberOfPages
| EP || Source.EndPage || -
| EP || Source.EndPage[genre=book] || -
| CY || Source.PublishingInfo.Place || if Genre = Article, Paper, Issue, Other, Conference Paper, or Book Item. Otherwise, map CY to PublishingInfo.Place
| CY || Source.PublishingInfo.Place[genre=book] || if Genre = Article, Paper, Issue, Other, Conference Paper, or Book Item. Otherwise, map CY to PublishingInfo.Place
| PB || Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher || if Genre = Article, Paper, Issue, Other, Conference Paper, or Book Item. Otherwise, map PB to PublishingInfo.Publisher
| PB || Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher[genre=book] || if Genre = Article, Paper, Issue, Other, Conference Paper, or Book Item. Otherwise, map PB to PublishingInfo.Publisher
Line 305: Line 310:
| M1, M2, M3, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 || - || -
| M1, M2, M3, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 || - || -
| UNBILI || Other || Martin will check this again.
Line 352: Line 354:
| Conference Paper || CHAP || -
| Conference Paper || CHAP || -
| Talk at Event || ADVS || -
| Conference Report || GEN || -
Line 399: Line 407:
| Creator.Person.CompleteName || AU || if Creator.CreatorRole = Author. Otherwise, if Creator.CreatorRole is Advisor, Contributor, Transcriber or Translator, map Creator.Person.CompleteName to ED. Otherwise, map Creator.Person.CompleteName to AU if AU would otherwise be empty, or map it to ED if there are other Creators mapped to AU. Formatting necessary
| Creator.Person.CompleteName || AU || if Creator.CreatorRole = Author. Otherwise, if Creator.CreatorRole is Advisor, Contributor, Transcriber, Translator, or Honoree, map Creator.Person.CompleteName to ED. Otherwise, map Creator.Person.CompleteName to AU if AU would otherwise be empty, or map it to ED if there are other Creators mapped to AU. Formatting necessary
Line 446: Line 454:
| Identifier.Id || ID || only one Identifier may be mapped to ID. If IdType = ISSN or ISBN, map Identifier.Id to SN. All others are mapped to N1 with their IdType as prefix
| Identifier.Id || ID || only one Identifier may be mapped to ID. If IdType = ISSN or ISBN, map Identifier.Id to SN. All others are mapped to N1 with their IdType as prefix
* if id type in PubMan is other it cannot be further determined unless it is already represented with prefix in PubMan --[[User:Kurt|Kurt]] 09:25, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Line 460: Line 469:
| Date.Date || PY || only the first Date.Date according to the order specified in [[PubMan_Metadata_Sets#Mapping_of_the_Metadata_Set_Publication_to_OpenURL]] is mapped to PY. All others are mapped to N1 with their DateType as prefix (Y2 is not supported in this mapping)
| Date.issued || PY || only the first Date.Date according to the order specified in [[PubMan_Func_Spec_OpenURL_Mapping]] is mapped to PY. All others are mapped to N1 with their DateType as prefix (Y2 is not supported in this mapping)
Line 539: Line 548:
| Source.Identifier.Id || SN || if Source.Identifier.IdType = ISSN or ISBN and if there's no Identifier.IdType = ISBN
| Source.Identifier.Id || SN || if Source.Identifier.IdType = ISSN or ISBN and if there's no Identifier.IdType = ISBN
| Source.Identifier.IdType || - || -
Line 573: Line 585:

[[Category:PubMan|RIS Mapping]]
[[Category:PubMan_Functional_Specification|RIS Mapping]]
[[Category:ESciDoc Mappings|RIS Mapping]]
[[Category:ESciDoc Mappings|RIS Mapping]]
[[Category:Functional specification]]

Latest revision as of 21:27, 4 March 2010


Standard entry types[edit]

Field Name + Reference Type

  • ABST Abstract
  • ADVS Audiovisual material
  • ART Art Work
  • BILL Bill/Resolution
  • BOOK Book, Whole
  • CASE Case
  • CHAP Book chapter
  • COMP Computer program
  • CONF Conference proceeding
  • CTLG Catalog
  • DATA Data file
  • ELEC Electronic Citation
  • GEN Generic
  • HEAR Hearing
  • ICOMM Internet Communication
  • INPR In Press
  • JFULL Journal (full)
  • JOUR Journal
  • MAP Map
  • MGZN Magazine article
  • MPCT Motion picture
  • MUSIC Music score
  • NEWS Newspaper
  • PAMP Pamphlet
  • PAT Patent
  • PCOMM Personal communication
  • RPRT Report
  • SER Serial (Book, Monograph)
  • SLIDE Slide
  • SOUND Sound recording
  • STAT Statute
  • THES Thesis/Dissertation
  • UNBILl Unenacted bill/resolution
  • UNPB Unpublished work
  • VIDEO Video recording

source: http://www.refman.com/support/risformat_reftypes.asp

RIS standard data entries[edit]

  • TY - Type of reference. This must contain one of the following field names as defined in the section, Reference Type field names.
  • ER - End of reference. Must be the last tag in a reference.
  • ID - Reference ID. The Reference ID can consist of any alphanumeric characters—up to 20 characters in length.
  • T1/TI/CT/BT - Title Primary. Note that the BT tag maps to this field only for Whole Book and Unpublished Work references. This field can contain alphanumeric characters; there is no practical length limit to this field.
  • T2/BT - Title Secondary. Note that the BT tag maps to this field for all reference types except for Whole Book and Unpublished Work references. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • T3 - Title Series. This field can contain alphanumeric characters; there is no practical length limit to this field.
  • A1/AU Author Primary. Each author must be on a separate line, preceded by this tag. Each reference can contain unlimited author fields, and can contain up to 255 characters for each field. The author name must be in the following syntax: Lastname, Firstname, Suffix [...]
  • A2/ED - Author Secondary. Each author must be on a separate line, preceded by this tag. There is no practical limit to the number of authors in this field. The author name must be in the correct syntax (refer to A1 and AU fields). This author name can be up to 255 characters long.
  • A3 - Author Series. Each author must be on a separate line, preceded by this tag. There is no practical limit to the number of authors in this field. The author name must be in the correct syntax (refer to A1 and AU fields). Each author name can be up to 255 characters long.
  • Y1/PY - Date Primary. This date must be in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD/other info [...]
  • Y2 - Date Secondary. (Refer to Y1 and PY fields).
  • N1/AB - Notes. These are free text fields and can contain alphanumeric characters; there is no practical length limit to this field.
  • N2 - Abstract. This is a free text field and can contain alphanumeric characters; there is no practical length limit to this field.
  • KW - Keywords. Each keyword or phrase must be on its own line, preceded by this tag. A keyword can consist of multiple words (phrases) and can be up to 255 characters long. There is no limit to the amount of keywords in a single reference.
  • RP - Reprint status. This optional field can contain one of three status notes.[...]
  • JF/JO - Periodical name: full format. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
  • JA - Periodical name: standard abbreviation. This is the periodical in which the article was (or is to be, in the case of in-press references) published. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters. If possible, periodical names should be abbreviated in the Index Medicus style, with periods after the abbreviations.[...]
  • J1 - Periodical name: user abbreviation 1. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
  • J2 - Periodical name: user abbreviation 2. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
  • VL - Volume number. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • IS/CP - Issue. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • SP - Start page number; an alphanumeric string. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • EP - Ending page number, as above.
  • CY - City of publication; this is an alphanumeric field. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • PB - Publisher; this is an alphanumeric field. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • SN - ISSN/ISBN. This is an alphanumeric field. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • AD - Address. This is a free text field and contain alphanumeric characters; there is no practical length limit to this field.
  • AV - Availability. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • M1/M2/M3 - Miscellaneous 1/2/3. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • U1-5 - User definable 1-5. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • UR - Web/URL. There is no practical limit to the length of this field. URL addresses can be entered individually, one per tag or multiple addresses can be entered on one line using a semi-colon as a separator.
  • L1 - Link to PDF. There is no practical limit to the length of this field. URL addresses can be entered individually, one per tag or multiple addresses can be entered on one line using a semi-colon as a separator.
  • L2 - Link to Full-text. There is no practical limit to the length of this field. URL addresses can be entered individually, one per tag or multiple addresses can be entered on one line using a semi-colon as a separator.
  • L3 - Related Records. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
  • L4 - Image(s). There is no practical limit to the length of this field.

source: http://www.refman.com/support/risformat_intro.asp

eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication[edit]

PubMan Metadata Sets#eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication

Mapping RIS to eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications (for RIS import)[edit]

quick-and-dirty Perl conversion script: ris2escidoc.pl

Format Name[edit]

Source: RIS
Target: escidoc-publication

Mapping of Genres[edit]

RIS eSciDoc Comment/Condition(s)
ABST Other -
ADVS Other see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
ART Other -
BILL Other -
BOOK Book -
CASE Other -
CHAP Book Item set Source.Genre to Book
COMP Other -
CONF Proceedings -
CTLG Other -
DATA Other -
ELEC Other -
GEN Other -
HEAR Other -
ICOMM Other -
INPR Other -
JFULL Journal -
JOUR Article set Source.Genre to Journal
MAP Other -
MGZN Article set Source.Genre to Series (see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments)
MPCT Other see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
MUSIC Other -
NEWS Article set Source.Genre to Series (see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
PAMP Other see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
PAT Other -
PCOMM Other -
RPRT Report -
SER Series see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
SLIDE Other -
SOUND Other see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
STAT Other -
THES Thesis -
UNBILl Other -
UNPB Other -
VIDEO Other see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments

Mapping of RIS Standard Entries[edit]

RIS eSciDoc Comment/Condition(s)
TY - See #Mapping of Genres. Original type name is lost.
ER - -
ID Identifier.Id set Identifier.IdType to Other (alternatively, add syntax recognition to determine IdType)
T1 Title Don't map if TY = JFULL.
TI Title Don't map if TY = JFULL.
CT Title Don't map if TY = JFULL.
BT Title if Genre = Book, Proceedings, Thesis, Journal, Series, or Other. Otherwise, map BT to Source.Title and set Source.Genre to "Series"
T2 Alternative.Title if Genre = Book Item, map T2 to source.title and set source.genre to book
T3 Source.Title and set Source.Genre to "Series". If T1/TI/CT and BT, create 2nd source with Source.Title T3.
A1 Creator.Person.CompleteName can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Creator.CreatorRole to Author.
AU Creator.Person.CompleteName can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Creator.CreatorRole to Author.
A2 Creator.Person.CompleteName can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Creator.CreatorRole to Contributor. Other non-Author CreatorRoles are not supported by this mapping.
ED Creator.Person.CompleteName can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Creator.CreatorRole to Contributor. Other non-Author CreatorRoles are not supported by this mapping.
A3 Source[genre=book].Creator.Person.CompleteName can also be split into GivenName and FamilyName. Organization authors are not supported in this mapping. Set Source.Creator.CreatorRole to Author.
Y1 Date.issued add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
PY Date.issued add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
Y2 Date.issued if Y1/PY is missing. add formatting. Set DateType to created. Other DateTypes not supported in this mapping
N1 - -
AB Abstract if N2 is empty. AB is not officially used for abstracts, but some retrieval systems do so.
N2 Abstract -
KW Subject all KW fields are concatenated and mapped to one single Subject field
JF Source.Title if TY = JFULL then map to Title instead. Otherwise, if BT is source.title (see comment from BT) then map to Source.AlternativeTitle. Otherwise map to Source.Title and Set Source.Genre to Journal
JO Source.Title if BT is source.title (see comment from BT) then map to Source.AlternativeTitle. Otherwise map to Source.Title and Set Source.Genre to Journal
JA Source.AlternativeTitle -
J1 Source.AlternativeTitle -
J2 Source.AlternativeTitle -
VL PublishingInfo.Edition[genre=book] if there is no JF/JO or ET. Otherwise, map VL to Source.Volume instead.
IS Source.Volume[genre=book] -
CP Source.Issue -
SP Source.StartPage[genre=book] if there is an EP. Otherwise, map SP to TotalNumberOfPages
EP Source.EndPage[genre=book] -
CY Source.PublishingInfo.Place[genre=book] if Genre = Article, Paper, Issue, Other, Conference Paper, or Book Item. Otherwise, map CY to PublishingInfo.Place
PB Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher[genre=book] if Genre = Article, Paper, Issue, Other, Conference Paper, or Book Item. Otherwise, map PB to PublishingInfo.Publisher
SN Identifier.Id if Genre = Journal, Series, Book, Thesis, Proceedings, or Report; otherwise, map SN to Source.Identifier.Id. Set IdType to ISSN if Genre = Journal or Series; otherwise, set IdType to ISBN. (Alternatively, determine IdType via syntax recognition)
AD Creator.Organization.Name -
M1, M2, M3, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 - -
UR Identifier.Id set IdType to URI
L1 Identifier.Id set IdType to URI
L2 Identifier.Id set IdType to URI
L3, L4 - -

Mapping of "common" (maybe relevant), non standard RIS Entries[edit]

RIS eSciDoc Comment/Condition(s)
ET Source.PublishingInfo.Edition if Genre = Book, Thesis, Proceedings or Report. Otherwise, map ET to PublishingInfo.Edition. Non-standard field used by EndNote

Mapping eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications to RIS (for RIS Export)[edit]

quick-and-dirty Perl conversion script: escidoc2ris.pl

4.1 Mapping of Genres[edit]

eSciDoc RIS Comment/Condition(s)
Article JOUR if Source.Genre = Journal. Otherwise, map Article to MGZN. NEWS is not supported in this mapping
Book BOOK -
Book Item CHAP -
Proceedings CONF -
Conference Paper CHAP -
Talk at Event ADVS -
Conference Report GEN -
Poster GEN -
Courseware/Lecture GEN -
Thesis THES -
Paper GEN -
Report RPRT -
Journal JFULL -
Issue GEN -
Series SER see also Talk:PubMan Metadata Sets#Genre: future developments
Manuscript UNPB -
Other GEN -

4.2 Mapping of Entries[edit]

eSciDoc RIS Comment/Condition(s)
Genre - See #Mapping of Genres. Original Genre name is lost
Creator.CreatorType - -
Creator.CreatorRole - is needed to determine author target fields
Creator.Person.CompleteName AU if Creator.CreatorRole = Author. Otherwise, if Creator.CreatorRole is Advisor, Contributor, Transcriber, Translator, or Honoree, map Creator.Person.CompleteName to ED. Otherwise, map Creator.Person.CompleteName to AU if AU would otherwise be empty, or map it to ED if there are other Creators mapped to AU. Formatting necessary
Creator.Person.GivenName AU if there's no CompleteName. See above
Creator.Person.FamilyName AU if there's no CompleteName. See above
Creator.Person.AlternativeName - -
Creator.Person.Title - -
Creator.Person.Organization.Name AD -
Creator.Person.Organization.Address AD -
Creator.Person.Organization.Identifier - -
Creator.Person.Identifier - -
Creator.Organization.Name AU if Creator.CreatorRole = Author. Otherwise, if Creator.CreatorRole is Advisor, Contributor, Transcriber or Translator, map Creator.Organization.Name to ED. Otherwise, map Creator.Organization.Name to AU if AU would otherwise be empty, or map it to ED if there are other Creators mapped to AU
Creator.Organization.Address AD -
Creator.Organization.Identifier - -
Title TI -
Language N1 add prefix "Language: "
AlternativeTitle T2 if T2 isn't needed for Source.Titles (see below)
Identifier.Id ID only one Identifier may be mapped to ID. If IdType = ISSN or ISBN, map Identifier.Id to SN. All others are mapped to N1 with their IdType as prefix
  • if id type in PubMan is other it cannot be further determined unless it is already represented with prefix in PubMan --Kurt 09:25, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Identifier.IdType - only one IdType is ignored. All others are used as prefixes for their Identifier.Ids, which are mapped to N1
PublishingInfo.Publisher PB -
PublishingInfo.Place CY -
PublishingInfo.Edition VL if VL isn't needed for Source.Volume. Otherwise, map PublishingInfo.Edition to N1 with the prefix "Edition: "
Date.issued PY only the first Date.Date according to the order specified in PubMan_Func_Spec_OpenURL_Mapping is mapped to PY. All others are mapped to N1 with their DateType as prefix (Y2 is not supported in this mapping)
Date.DateType - the DateTypes which do not belong to the PY-Date.Date are used as prefixes for the Date.Dates mapped to N1 (see above)
ReviewMethod N1 add prefix "Review method: "
Source.Genre - see also Genre
Source.Title JO if TY = JOUR, MGZN, RPRT, NEWS, or GEN. Please note that this field doesn't work in EndNote for all reference types. If there is an AlternativeTitle, it has to be mapped to N1 with the prefix "Alternative title: " instead of T2, because JO and T2 can't be imported at the same time by neither Reference Manager nor EndNote. Otherwise, if TY = BOOK, CONF, THES, UNPB, JFULL, or SER, map Source.Title to T3. Otherwise, if TY = CHAP, map Source.Title to T2, because JO doesn't work with book sections in Reference Manager and EndNote
Source.AlternativeTitle - -
Source.Creator.CreatorType - -
Source.Creator.CreatorRole - -
Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName A3 if TY = BOOK, CONF, THES, UNPB, JFULL, or SER. Otherwise, map Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName to ED
Source.Creator.Person.GivenName A3 use as an alternative for Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName for better formatting. See above
Source.Creator.Person.FamilyName A3 use as an alternative for Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName for better formatting. See above
Source.Creator.Person.AlternativeName - -
Source.Creator.Person.Title - -
Source.Creator.Person.Organization - -
Source.Creator.Person.Identifier - -
Source.Creator.Organization.Name A3 if TY = BOOK, CONF, THES, UNPB, JFULL, or SER. Otherwise, map Source.Creator.Organization to ED
Source.Creator.Organization.Address - -
Source.Creator.Organization.Identifier - -
Source.Volume VL map PublishingInfo.Edition and Source.PublishingInfo.Edition to N1 with the prefix "Edition: "
Source.Issue IS -
Source.StartPage SP -
Source.EndPage EP -
Source.SequenceNumber N1 add prefix "Sequence number: "
Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher PB if there's no PublishingInfo.Publisher
Source.PublishingInfo.Place CY if there's no PublishingInfo.Place
Source.PublishingInfo.Edition VL if there's no Source.Volume. Otherwise, if there's no PublishingInfo.Edition, map Source.PublishingInfo.Edition to N1 with the prefix "Edition: "
Source.Identifier.Id SN if Source.Identifier.IdType = ISSN or ISBN and if there's no Identifier.IdType = ISBN
Source.Identifier.IdType - -
Source.Source.Genre - -
Source.Source.Title T3 if genre is not BOOK, proceedings, THES, UNPB, JFULL, or SER, otherwise don't export T3.
Source.Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName A3 if genre is not = BOOK, CONF, THES, UNPB, JFULL, or SER. Also map to A3: Source.Source.Creator.Person.GivenName (see above), Source.Source.Creator.Person.FamilyName (see above), Source.Source.Creator.Organization.Name. All other Source.Source fields are ignored
Event N1 export all event.* fields, separate the values with a comma and write at the beginning "Event:"
TotalNumberOfPages SP if there's no Source.StartPage
Degree M1 used by EndNote and Reference Manager
Abstract N2 -
Subject KW split Subject field and map each term to a KW field of its own
TableOfContents N1 add prefix "Table of contents: "

5 Links, further reading[edit]

5.1 References[edit]