Difference between revisions of "MPDL SvM Meeting 2009-03-26"

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* persistent URLs necessary for R2.1?
*new page: [[PubMan_Support|PubMan Support]]
*new page: [[PubMan_Support|PubMan Support]]

Revision as of 08:35, 26 March 2009


PubMan extensions[edit]



  • persistent URLs necessary for R2.1?



  • Handover my work to whom? (I am on holiday kw 15,16,17) --Friederike 10:39, 25 March 2009 (UTC)
    • Will create 'Abwesenheitsnotiz' with virr and faces mailinglist
    • FACES: Probably nothing to do, as new development starts
      • Checking R3.5 Prototype: can we move this to may (release will anyway be earliest mid of this year), as i do not think that i will have time to care about that right now.
    • VIRR: Person needed who will test (heavily) TOC edit interface and monitor release (end of april)