ESciDoc Solutions summary

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  • Solutions follow a user-centered development, by close cooperation with pilots and partners from the institutes.
  • Solutions make the benefits of a service-oriented architecture visible to the enduser, by re-using and integrating different services to support the disciplin-specific usage scenario.
  • For optimal re-use, solutions have customizable workflows and grafical user interfaces (local branding)

Based on heterogeneous digital objects stored in a common infrastructure, we are currently working on following solutions:

PubMan - Publication Management[edit]

A solution designed to address the management, the dissemination and the long-term archiving of publication data of a research organisation. Publication data in this context refer to formal/informal publications, grey literature and supplementary material.

Institutes involved in developement:
Fritz-Haber-Institut, MPI Plasmaphysik, MPI Informatik, MPI Gravitationsphysik, MPI Physik komplexer Systeme, MPI chemische Oekologie, MPI molekulare Genetik, MPI Psycholinguistik

WALS - world atlas of language structures[edit]

The solution provides publication and long-term archiving of interdisciplinary results in anthropology and linguistics. Focus of research are correlations between structural characteristics within different areas of grammar as well as possible geografical patterns.

Institutes involved in development:
MPI evolutionaere Anthropologie, MPI Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften


The solution provides publication of a collection of photographs of human emotions by different facial expressions. The respective mark-up of the data enables comparative analysis, e.g. by gender, age and emotion expressed.

Institutes involved in development:
MPI Bildungsforschung

ViRR: Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht[edit]

The solution provides a virtual collection of the legislation in the historical periode of the "Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation" (Sacrum Romanum Imperium). It focuses on integration of fulltexts in library catalogs, links to relevant scientific literature as well as semantic indexing of the content.

Institutes involved in development:
MPI Europaeische Rechtsgeschichte