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CoLab Portal for PubMan

PubMan - the eSciDoc Solution for Publication Management: PubMan supports scientists and institutes in the management and the digital curation of their publications. This solution addresses all disciplines and focuses on the target groups of scientists, local librarians and local IT. Due to the heterogeneous policies, cultures and workflows of the Max Planck Institutes, customization and configuration options throughout the solution's features are of major importance.

With PubMan, the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) develops a service-oriented, flexible-to-use institutional repository software. The software is a solution within the eSciDoc project, which is a joint open-source project by the MPDL and the FIZ Karlsruhe.

To keep track of ideas, specifications, concepts, prototypes, communication with partners etc., we use the MPDL CoLaboratory (CoLab) as main documentation and communication channel. All specifications, concepts and ideas are referenced in the category PubMan.

PubMan Quick Start
You can have a look at the test installation with the latest release of PubMan.
In order to get a full overview on the PubMan functionalities, please log on to the system with the demo account we have created for this issue. User name is "demo" and the password is also "demo".

Please also have a look at the short guided tour on PubMan or at the PubMan Functionalities overview page in order to get an overview on the current PubMan Features.

In our PubMan Blog you can catch up on recent PubMan developments.