PubMan Community
PubMan Community[edit]
The development of PubMan, as any other eSciDoc solution, is very community-driven. Based on an overall participation concept, Early Adopters and Pilot institutes from the MPG are closely involved into the software development life cycle. The communities represent the variety of scientific fields within the Max Planck Society and the different interest groups (scientists, librarians, local IT) for an institutional repository.
PubMan Early Adopters[edit]
Early Adopters are institutes, which have a vital interest in using the software for their purposes. They are also the first candidates for migration from the current MPG institutional repository eDoc and productive deployment.
The current Early Adopters are:
Early Adopters can find further information here (access restricted page).
PubMan Pilots[edit]
The PubMan pilot group serves as a kind of advisory board for PubMan.
The pilot group consists of the following institutes:
- MPI for Plasmaphysics
- MPI for Informatics
- MPI for Gravitational Physics
- MPI for molecular Genetics
- Fritz Haber Institute
- MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems
- MPI for Chemical Ecology
PubMan Pilots can find further information here (access restricted page).
Discipline-specific extensions[edit]
- Linguistic Literature - a cooperative project which delivers personalized collections within the linguistic genre and enables access to it and referencing parts of fulltexts.
- Jus CMS - an extension of PubMan which requires discipline-specific aspects of data entry, depending on discipline-specific metadata and content types, as well as configurable citation styles based on juristic standards.
- Within the §137-L Project PubMan is used for long-term-archiving of publications between 1966 and 1994, for which the authors have granted "merge right" to the MPDL.
- At the National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS), Japan PubMan is applied in the administration of researcher portfolios (Author ID), statistics and internationalization.
Other interested institutes[edit]
There are more and more interested institutions, which have test accounts for their institute on PubMan. If you also want to have a personalized user account, please contact the PubMan Support Team.