ESciDoc Committer Meeting 2009-11-24

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Date: 24.11.2009 Start time: 14:30

Location: Karlsruhe, München (Video conference or TelCo)

Participants MPDL: Natasa Bulatovic, Wilhelm Frank

Participants FIZ: Steffen Wagner, Frank Schwichtenberg, Dr. Michael Hoppe, André Schenk, Harald Kappus

Previous committer meeting

Next committer meetings


Local-administrator role[edit]

  • at present local-administrator role is limited to a context
  • we need a role of "local administrator" which is limited to based on the OU
  • the current functionalities are to be supported and restricted based on the OU of the user-account granted with this role
    • create/modify/de-activate/activate user accounts (if user-acount has OU in same OrgPath as user-admin-account OU)
    • grant local-administrator or user-group administrator rights (if user to whom the role is grante has OU in same orgpath as local-admin-account OU)
    • create/modify/... org units (if in same orgpath as local-admin-account OU..)
    • create/modify/ contexts (if OU of responsible org-units in same orgpath as local-admin-account OU..)
  • Note: same "OrgPath" means the same OU and any child OU below the OU of the user-account


  • rule: Local admins can only administrate the OU-restricted users
  • FIZ will check what can be done easily and will communicate
  • role: OU-Administrator will be created
    • this role will be the local-administrator user

Migration and Tests[edit]

  • are you testing v1.2 (without migration), we need feedback from you soon
  • does V1.2 work with PubMan (with new installation of infrastructur)
  • the testdata can't be migrated to v1.2 final
  • V1.1 DB-Dump to FIZ for Migrationstests


  • MPDL informed that 1.2 passed all tests
  • MPDL did not tested PubMan yet - will be tested
  • MPDL tested existing functionality (all fine as it was)
  • by end of the week possible switch of new PubMan development to 1.2

PubMan Changes[edit]

  • CleanUp release
  • Metadata release
  • release works with V1.2 infrastructur?
  • release date
  • PubMan and Infrastructur in same JBoss

same JBoss with Infrastructur[edit]

  • VIRR
  • VIRR, FACES, PubMan, Infrastructur all together
  • Download links


  • each solution separately can run under same JBoss with the coreservices
  • at present it is not possible to run all solutions under same JBoss
  • download links for Virr and Faces are not published
    • it will take some time to get these download pages
    • by end of the year efforts to make them available

Merging SOAP/REST representations[edit]


  • the representation is agreed

Cache and Administrative searches[edit]


  • can not be approached before 1.2 is closed

eSciDoc Admin Tool[edit]


  • can not be approached before 1.2 work is closed

Stable escidoc-core release 1.2[edit]


  • no information available at the moment, will be communicated later

escidoc-core Maintenance[edit]

  • Large sets of data ingest
    • how to avoid downtime to recache and reindexing

Performance issues[edit]

  • after ingestion of VIRR items (20.000 +), the performance of search requests is getting slower ...

Repository ID namespaces[edit]

  • waiting for comments from mailing lists


  • Alignment of tools and processes (e.g., Maven)
  • Improved and harmonized communication of eSciDoc
  • eSciDoc Blog
  • service names and classification
  • service-architecture board
  • documentation of services
  • installation guides
  • eSciDoc Lab: Colab page gathering experimental modules
  • Exchange of staff members for specific developments or share development


  • short-term 6 months
    • MPDL
    • FIZ

Long term issues[edit]

eSciDoc Colab[edit]

  • domain-redirection for the eSciDoc-colab
  • set up the colab and move the eSciDoc pages from MPDL colab