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Revision as of 08:05, 25 June 2009

Look and Feel[edit]

PubMan R4 offers arbitrary color schemes[1]. One scheme is set as default but users can choose their own scheme out of three varieties. Each scheme derives from the color definition, documented in the eSciDoc Style Guide. To cover a large scope, schemes range from cold to warm colors.

Please keep in mind that colors appear differently across media type, display devices, browsers and system settings. Although each scheme is balanced carefully with propper corresponding colors it might not meet the intention on a specific display. Therefore one of the schemes is optimized towards contrast.

If necessary more schemes can be prepared for later releases or individually be defined by the institute with the help of the UIE Team. The default scheme is chosen together with pilots and early adopters and will appear after starting the application.

Color scheme 1 (blue)[edit]

Example of the new look and feel

Color scheme 2 (warm)[edit]

Example of the new look and feel

Color scheme 3 (contrast)[edit]

Example of the new look and feel
