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!GUI V1 (ViRR<R3)!!Applied Image formats!!GUI V2 (ViRR>R3)!!Applied Image formats!!Needed image formats
!GUI V1 (ViRR<R3)!!Applied Image formats!!GUI V2 (ViRR>R3)!!Applied Image formats!!Needed image formats
|- bgcolor = #eee
|- bgcolor = #eee
|rowspan='3'|Cascading Style Sheets||align='center'|1.0||align='center'|12/1996||rowspan='3' align='center'|100%<ref>although all modern browsers support at least CSS1, the implementation level and the level of support differs</ref>||bgcolor = #BBCFA4 align='center'|required
|Small View||144px|| || ||
|-  bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|2.0||align='center'|05/1998||bgcolor = #FFFFCC align='center'|specials only<ref>although CSS 2.0 is not explicitly required its support will enable some rare extra features</ref>
|-  bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|3.0||align='center'|-<ref>still work in progress</ref>||bgcolor = #F6BDA9 align='center'|not required
|- bgcolor = #eee
|- bgcolor = #eee
|rowspan='1'|Cookies||align='center'|-||align='center'|-||rowspan='1' align='center'|98.5%||bgcolor = #BBCFA4 align='center'|required<ref>cookies support is required for system login</ref>
|2 Column View||144px||2 Column View || ||
|- bgcolor = #eee
|- bgcolor = #eee
|rowspan='4'|JavaScript||align='center'|1.5||align='center'|06/2002||rowspan='4' align='center'|94,0%<ref>[http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp activation share according to w3schools.com]</ref><ref>[http://www.webhits.de/deutsch/index.shtml?webstats.html JavaScript version 1.5 is used by 99.4% of all users with activated JavaScript according to www.webhits.de (march 2008)]</ref>||bgcolor = #BBCFA4 align='center'|required
|1 Column View||144px|| || ||
|- bgcolor = #eee
|- bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|1.6||align='center'|11/2005||bgcolor = #eee align='center'|undefined
|Windowed View||144px|| || ||
|- bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|1.7||align='center'|07/2006||bgcolor = #eee align='center'|undefined
|- bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|1.8||align='center'|12/2007||bgcolor = #F6BDA9 align='center'|not required
|- bgcolor = #eee
|rowspan='4'|Java Plugin||align='center'|1.3||align='center'|05/2000||rowspan='4' align='center'|99,6%<ref>although www.webhits.de gives a 99.6% activation level, it also states, that only 12.4% of users have an java plugin</ref>||bgcolor = #F6BDA9 align='center'|not required
|- bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|1.4||align='center'|02/2002||bgcolor = #F6BDA9 align='center'|not required
|- bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|1.5||align='center'|09/2004||bgcolor = #F6BDA9 align='center'|not required
|- bgcolor = #eee
|align='center'|1.6||align='center'|12/2006<ref>there is still no regular implementation of Java 1.6 for Mac OSX yet (march 2008)</ref>||bgcolor = #F6BDA9 align='center'|not required

Revision as of 09:09, 13 January 2010

This is a protected page.

Source Images Properties[edit]

Examples from source images


Resolution: 72px Width: 3072 Pixel Height: 3840 Pixel

Ratio: 1.25


Resolution: 72px Width: 3072 Pixel Height: 3840 Pixel

Ratio: 1.25

Preparation of images for web usage[edit]

GUI V1 (ViRR<R3) Applied Image formats GUI V2 (ViRR>R3) Applied Image formats Needed image formats
Small View 144px
2 Column View 144px 2 Column View
1 Column View 144px
Windowed View 144px

The following prerequisites need to be considered:

Aspect ration[edit]

Needs to be considered in any case. This can be achieved if

  • only a percentage is handed over for resize
  • only the horizontal with is handed over for resize


The resolution should be at 72px for screen display. This means one pixel of the image is mapped to exactly one pixel of the target resolution of the client.


In order not to run in problems with the aspect ration the dimensions further on only refer to the width of the image.

The maximum of available space defined in the prototype for R3 is 375px horizontal width.

The defined space in the interface is:

  • Small View: 144px
  • Medium view (2 columns):