Imeji Browse and Display

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Work in progress


UC_IM_BD_01 View picture list[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. A picture list will be displayed within Imaji on several occasions:
    • for browsing within a collection
    • for the search results of a picture search
    • when viewing selected pictures (e.g. through the metadata editing process)
  2. The list is always sorted per default based on the first 3 metadata values (the order will be defined when creation the Metadata Profile for the collection).
  3. The user can change the sorting order and the ascending/descending arrows.
  4. The user can change the hits per page, can go to a special page number, or can use a paginator for browsing the pages.
  5. When some pictures are selected within the list, the user can filter the list: (1) show only selected pictures or (2) show all pictures
  6. The user can change the display type of the list:
    1. Tiled View (default display type)
      • The pictures will be displayed together with the name of the collection, where they belong to.
    2. Bibliographic View
      1. Short
        • The first 4 metadata values and their labels will be displayed (the order will be defined when creation the Metadata Profile for the collection).
      2. Medium
        • The next 4 metadata values and their labels will be displayed (the order will be defined when creation the Metadata Profile for the collection).
    3. Grid View
      • The same 4 metadata values of the Short Metadata View will be displayed.
    4. Grid View 3 Colums
      • Only the first metadata value will be displayed (the order will be defined when creation the Metadata Profile for the collection).

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_IM_BD_02 View picture details[edit]

Collections / Albums[edit]

UC_IM_BD_03 View collection/album list[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. A collection/album list will be displayed within Imaji on several occasions:
    • for browsing collections or albums
    • for the search results of a collection/album search
  2. Based on the previous use case, the list only contains albums, only collections, or both of them together.
  3. This list contains
    • all collections the user is allowed to see (all published collections, all private and withdrawn collections for which the user at least has picture editor rights) and/or
    • all albums the user is allowed to see (all published albums, all own private and withdrawn albums)
  4. The list is sorted per default based on the name of the collection and/or album (in alphabetically order).
  5. The user can change the sorting order and the ascending/descending arrows.
  6. The user can change the hits per page, can go to a special page number, or can use a paginator for browsing the pages.
  7. The user can filter the list based on:
    • Collection.State (for collections only):
    (1) private collections, (2) published collections, (3) published collections from other users, (4) published collections for which the user at least has picture editor rights, (5) withdrawn collections, (6) all collections for which the user at least has picture editor rights
    • Album.State (for albums only):
    (1) private albums, (2) published albums, (3) published albums from other users, (4) my published albums, (5) withdrawn albums, (6) all my albums
    • State (for both of them)
    As this can only occur through a search, only published items will be displayed anyway. Therefore following states for the filter are possible: (1) only collections, (2) only albums
  8. The user can change the display type of the list:
    1. Bibliographic View
      1. Short
        Following metadata values will be displayed
        (1) Collection.Name, (2) Collection.NumberOfPictures, (3) Collection.Creator, (4) Collection.State, (5) Collection.DateLastModified
        Collection state can be: private, published, withdrawn
      2. Medium
        All metadata from the short view together with following metadata values will be displayed
        (6) Collection.Creator.Affiliation, (7) Collection.Description
    2. Grid View (default display type)
      • The same 5 metadata values of the Short Metadata View will be displayed.

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_IM_BD_04 View collection details[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. The display of the collection details is similar to the album details.
  2. Following information has to be displayed:
    • The metadata of the collection, see UC_IM_COL_01 Create collection
    • all available dates: created, last modified, published, withdrawn
    • the withdrawn comment, if available
    • the number of pictures within the collection together with an information when some of this pictures are private visible only (+ their number)
    • the metadata profile of the collection
  3. (Optional) When the user has the proper rights, he can edit the collection (see UC_IM_COL_02 Edit collection).

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_IM_BD_05 View album details[edit]

Collections / Albums[edit]

UC_IM_BD_06 View imeji homepage[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


Actors Involved

  • User