Imeji Metadata

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Metadata Profile[edit]

UC_IM_MD_01 Create metadata profile[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:

A medatada profile can only be created during the creation of a collection (see UC_IM_COL_01 Create collection). Therefore it is always in the same state than the corresponding collection.

  1. The user has two different options:
    1. To create a new MD profile
    2. To use an already available MD profile as template
      1. The system displays a list of all available metadata profiles.
      2. (Optionally) The user wants to view the details of one selected metadata profile.
      3. The user can select one of the already existing md profiles (the system creates a copy of the md profile).

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_IM_MD_02 Edit metadata profile[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:

A medatada profile can only be edited during the editing of a collection (see UC_IM_COL_02 Edit collection).Therefore it is always in the same state than the corresponding collection.

  1. A MD profile consists of Name, Description, Owner, Owner.Organization (all values inherited from the corresponding collection), and attributes (complex, mandatory, one-unbounded)
  2. For each metadata profile, following technically metadata attributes from the metadata extraction during the picture upload (see UC_IM_PIC_01 Upload pictures) will automatically be created by the system:
    1. label: Title (filename) - type: string - cardinality: once - obligation: optional
    2. label: Creation timestamp - type: date- cardinality: once - obligation: optional
    3. label: Resolution horizontal - type: integer - cardinality: once - obligation: optional - unit: dpi
    4. label: Resolution vertical- type: integer - cardinality: once - obligation: optional - unit: dpi
    5. label: Image device - type: string - cardinality: once - obligation: optional
  3. The user can modify all attributes of the profile (also the technical one) and can create new attributes or delete already existing attributes.
    • An attribute consists of
      1. type (list, mandatory, once) e.g. date, geonames, string, integer, cone-person
        • For type integer: definition of unit (string with autosuggest, mandatory, once) e.g. km, m, cm, mm, Celsius, Fahrenheit
      2. label (string with autosuggest, mandatory, once) either defined by the user himself or chosen out of an list of already existing attributes
      3. cardinality (list, mandatory, once): once / multiple
      4. obligation (list, mandatory, once): mandatory / optional
      5. (optional) a possibility to define a list of allowed values (one text field for each value)
    • When deleting already available attributes, all values of these attributes will be deleted, too. Therefore the system displays a warning message, where the number of values, that will be deleted, is displayed.
  4. The user can modify the pre-define values for one or more attributes, can delete them or ad new values.
    • When deleting pre-defined values for one or more attributes, these values will be deleted also in the metadata sets of all pictures that use these values. Therefore the system displays a warning message, where the number of values, that will be deleted, is displayed.
  5. The user has to define an order for all his attributes, which later on will be used as default sorting order and for the display of the metadata in the different display types.

Actors Involved

  • Collection editor for the selected collection

UC_IM_MD_03 Release metadata profile[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. Released means that the profile:
    • is displayed in browsing lists
    • can be used as template for another, new collection

Actors Involved

UC_IM_MD_04 Rework metadata profile[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


Actors Involved

UC_IM_MD_05 Withdraw metadata profile[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. Withdraw means that the profile:
    • is not displayed in any browsing context
    • can not be used as template for a new collection any more

Actors Involved

Metadata Values[edit]

UC_IM_MD_05 Scan filename[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


Actors Involved

  • Picture editor for the selected collection

UC_IM_MD_06 Edit picture metadata[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:



  1. The system displays an information message which says how many pictures are currently selected. Further on, there must be a possibility to view all the selected pictures.
  2. The user chooses one or several metadata labels he wants to assign to the selected pictures.
  3. The users defines one or more metadata values for the selected labels.
    • When only one picture is selected, already available metadata values will be displayed as pre-filled in (also the ones from the automatic technical metadata extraction).
    • When the selected pictures have one or more metadata values in common, this value(s) will be displayed as pre-filled in. When they have different metadata values, this can not be displayed, but then the system will give the information, that some pictures already have a value for the metadata.
  4. After saving, the system displays a confirmation message and assigns the defined metadata values to the pictures.
    • When one or several picture(s) already have a metadata value in one or more of the chosen fields, this value(s) will automatically be overwritten by the new value(s).

Actors Involved

  • Picture editor for the selected collection


  • To avoid confusion when more than one user tries to edit the metadata of the same picture(s) at the same time, the system has to take care that always the newest version of the pictures and its metadata is displayed. And this will be the only version that is editable.
  • When somebody edits the metadata of one or more pictures, this pictures have to be locked during the editing process so that nobody else can edit them. When during this time, someone elses tries to edit them, an information message has to be displayed.

UC_IM_MD_07 Upload picture metadata[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


Actors Involved

  • Picture editor for the selected collection