Imeji Scope

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Further Functionalities[edit]

For version 1.0[edit]

  • Internationalization (english and German First, then Japanese via NIMS)
  • Installer
  • Replacement of common logic by eSciDoc Java library
  • Replacement of JBoss by Tomcat as Application Server
  • Images under-title self defined (via profile)
  • Automatica tests (2 tests will be written for the beginning)
  • Export (RDF, JSON?)

Not planned[edit]

  • Print on demand einer Collection / eines Albums
  • Switch to JSF2
  • Plugin interface
  • Skinning (on collection level)
  • Subcollection (specs + implementation)
  • Geonames
  • Mass import (specs inspired from BatchGeo)
  • Cone Thesauri