Difference between revisions of "Faces Scope"

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* Search
* Search
* Metadata Sets
* Metadata Sets
[https://zim01.gwdg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R1/index.html Functional Prototype for R1]
[https://subversion.mpdl.mpg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R1/index.html Functional Prototype for R1]

=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R2 ===
=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R2 ===
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* Export
* Export
* Help functionality (linking between the help icons "?" within the application and the help page)
* Help functionality (linking between the help icons "?" within the application and the help page)
[https://zim01.gwdg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R2/index.html Functional Prototype for R2]
[https://subversion.mpdl.mpg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R2/index.html Functional Prototype for R2]

=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R3 ===
=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R3 ===
Line 31: Line 31:
* New Home Page for Faces (no special Faces logo, only the MPIB logo)
* New Home Page for Faces (no special Faces logo, only the MPIB logo)
* Integration of a blog for the creation of a news box on the start page
* Integration of a blog for the creation of a news box on the start page
[https://zim01.gwdg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R3/index.html Functional Prototype for R3]
[https://subversion.mpdl.mpg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R3/index.html Functional Prototype for R3]

=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R3.2 ===
=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R3.2 ===
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=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R3.3 (GUI Release) ===
=== [[Image:Checkmark.png | 20px]] R3.3 (GUI Release) ===
* GUI V2
* GUI V2
[https://zim01.gwdg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R3.5/index.html Functional Prototype for R3.5]
[https://subversion.mpdl.mpg.de/repos/smc/trunk/04_Design/03_GUI_Design/02_interface_conception_and_design/02_01_Prototyping/HTML_Prototyp/FACES_R3.5/index.html Functional Prototype for R3.5]

=== R 4.0  ===
=== [[Imeji | R 4.0]] ===
AIM: Upload of collections to make the FACES software more interesting for other institutes!
AIM: Upload of collections to make the FACES software more interesting for other institutes!
* Surrogate item implementation
* Surrogate item implementation
* Metadata profile management: create/edit simple metadata profile
* Collection Management:
* Collection management: create collection with one md profile and a default style
*# Create collection with one md profile (editor for the creation of a configurable collection schema)
* Upload: data ingest by the user
*#* Integration of controlled vocabulary for a metadata field (cone)
* Technical metadata extraction
*#* Linked data (linking between cone and e.g. "Geonames")
* Filename scan
*#* Definition of data types (e.g. string, data)
* (Batch) metadata editing
* Browse by collection (collection portal: overview about all available collections)  
* Metadata Profile Management:
* Browse by albums
*# Create/edit simple metadata profile (i.e. add/remove metadata from a list provided by the MPDL + create your own metadata fields)
* General free text search (any metadata value, either in album, picture or collection)
*# Create/update content-model out of metadata profile
* Simple search for collections and albums
*# Create/update default screen configuration out of metadata profile
* Advanced search for pictures within one md set or collection  
*Upload (data ingest by the user):
*# Upload images for one collection
*#* via selecting a folder
*#* via selecting a zip
*# Create thumbnails and web resolution and upload all 3 resolutions
*# Extract technical metadata (IMTC)
*# Create items with technical metadata (filename, size, ...) but empty metadata record
* Metadata Editing:
*# Batch editing
*#* Filter the images based on already available metadata values (e.g. technical metadata: date creation)
*#* Select images
*#* Edit metadata values (retrieved from related schema) of selected images from edit mask
*# Edit metadata of a single image
* Browsing:
*# Browse by collection
*#* Browse pictures within one collection (sorting by the md set)
*# Browse by albums
*#* Browse pictures within one album (sorting is not possible when the pictures within one album use different metadata profiles)
*#* Filter within the album (e.g. by metadata profile --> now sorting is possible)
* Search:
*# General free text search (any metadata value, either in album, picture or collection)
*# Search for collections (e.g. which collection has a metadata field called temperature)
*#* Do simple search
*# Search for albums (album metadata)
*#* Do simple search
*# Search for pictures (metadata values)
*#* Select a metadata set / collection
*#* Do advanced search for the selected metadata set
* Researchers homepage (Wordpress plugin)
* Researchers homepage (Wordpress plugin)
* Collection portal (one entry point for all collections)

=== Further Requirements===
=== Further Requirements===

Latest revision as of 12:07, 25 April 2012


Scope · Functionalities
Disclaimer and Copyright

Application Profiles
Release Agreement

Browse and Display · Search
Albums · Users
Note Pads · Versioning

Related Projects:



The prototype of Faces will be developed in several steps (releases). In each release, the following functionalities will be implemented.

Checkmark.png R1[edit]

  • Login /Logout
  • Display
  • Browsing
  • Search
  • Metadata Sets

Functional Prototype for R1

Checkmark.png R2[edit]

  • Enhancement of the search (age group search functionality, search within an public album)
  • Public (published) albums
  • Selection of Pictures (adding)
  • Multiple sorting
  • Export
  • Help functionality (linking between the help icons "?" within the application and the help page)

Functional Prototype for R2

Checkmark.png R3[edit]

Going productive!

  • User Management (Basic, via Admin solution)
  • Basic statistics
  • Extraction (via jhove) and saving (in a separate metadata file) of technical metadata
  • Display of technical MD
  • Revision of Help (texts)
  • New Home Page for Faces (no special Faces logo, only the MPIB logo)
  • Integration of a blog for the creation of a news box on the start page

Functional Prototype for R3

Checkmark.png R3.2[edit]

Virtual release! - prepare FACES for a generic usage

  • Surrogate items
  • Enabling of generic integration of metadata profiles (NIMS, MPI zur Erforschung multi-religiouser u. -ethnischer Gesellschaften)

No functional Prototype needed for this release, as no 'visible' changes.

Checkmark.png R3.3 (GUI Release)[edit]

  • GUI V2

Functional Prototype for R3.5

R 4.0[edit]

AIM: Upload of collections to make the FACES software more interesting for other institutes!

  • Surrogate item implementation
  • Metadata profile management: create/edit simple metadata profile
  • Collection management: create collection with one md profile and a default style
  • Upload: data ingest by the user
  • Technical metadata extraction
  • Filename scan
  • (Batch) metadata editing
  • Browse by collection (collection portal: overview about all available collections)
  • Browse by albums
  • General free text search (any metadata value, either in album, picture or collection)
  • Simple search for collections and albums
  • Advanced search for pictures within one md set or collection
  • Researchers homepage (Wordpress plugin)

Further Requirements[edit]

Isn't this already provided, at least with no metadata? Just do a right mouseclick and download the pic.
  • Fine granular access rights for released items (per picture)
  • Simplified breadcrumb navigation (Last Album View, Last Image View)
  • Screencast
  • Integration of Digilib
    1. in a separate window
    2. fully integrated in the Faces GUI
  • Versioning: View album event log
  • Normstudy
  • Integration of the extended pictures from Rostock
  • Usage of an online application form (see Faces User Management)
  • Persistent Identifier (PID) - depends on when the gwdg can provide this functionality
PIDs are now integrated
  • User Management that can be managed by the institute, not the MPDL (see Faces User Management)
  • Metadata ingest by user (zip+ecxel)
  • Batch tagging (assignment of new metadata to the items)


Expectations MPI B[edit]

  • Faces will be a service based on the eSciDoc infrastructure for publishing digital images (incl. a user management for all users who work with faces).
  • The institute’s and department-specific corporate design will be visible in the web design of the solution.
  • The content of the collection Faces will be digitally preserved and persistently identified.
  • The data from the currently available Faces database will be integrated.
  • The data of the collection Faces is not published as open access, except for the data of the six predefined persons who gave explicit publishing permission.
  • Faces will be a closed collection, so the import of further images is not possible once the application is running.
  • The application will support the future integration of further attributes (e.g from the normstudy).
  • Once the application is running, it can't be changed without the permission of the institute.
  • The MPI has fully administrator rights for the application.

Expectations MPDL[edit]

  • Faces will be delivered as an open source self-contained web application, which can be installed and run with predefined standard set-up.
  • The MPDL will use the FACEs solution as showcase for demonstrating possible research data scenarios based on the infrastructure. The institute's staff will support respective outreach activities by reporting on their experiences.
  • The MPDL has access to the root account of the application for administration purposes.
  • The data of Faces will be hosted at the MPDL (and/or its partners like the GWDG), who are also responsible for the server administration. Details will be defined in a service level agreement.