Common Presentation

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Revision as of 12:00, 6 October 2010 by Rkiefl (talk | contribs)
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CSS/JS resources in the presentation layer are maintained redundantly across solutions. As GUI 2.0 is common for all solutions it can be maintained and deployed in a more common manner to prevent diverging sources.


As to solution specific needs resources will be stored in two places with the following structure.


e.g. FACES

- solutionResources (contains all solution specific GUI stuff)
-- facesJavaScript (contains solution specific JS plus plugins, if only used here)
-- javaScript (contains common JS and the jquery core)
--- jquery
-- componentJavaScript (contains JS used in common components)
-- facesImages (contains favicon, startpage images and the like)

The common part of the presentation will be stored here:

-- css (contains the css for all solutions)
--- componentCSS
--- themes (themes and standard skins are all stored here, and will be deployed as needed)
---- skin_skin1 (contains logo, icons as well)
---- skin_skin2
---- skin_skin3

Problem: jQuery vs. RichFaces ($)

The following folders could be moved:

  1. eSciDoc_CSS_v2/
  2. favicon.ico
  3. images/ (??)
  4. skins/

Problem: Logo is solution specific and needs a different folder: move to PNG.

  • How should resources be fetched when deployment happens?

Common presentation will be defined as dependency.

  • How/Where are stored for productive solutions?

Should stay like it is now. Will be done like PubMan if an installer is made.


  • Is there a need to address solution specific parts of the presentation separately?

JavaScript Strategy[edit]

  • RichFaces proved to be a nice way for dynamic stuff DARIAH/imeji
  • RF components can be styled flexible

It doesn't make sense anymore to grab more jQuery stuff for future development while more and more RichFaces components are used.

  1. how and when to phase out jQuery?
  2. where to store additional css classes for jQuery?
  3. how to plug in additional jQuery stuff into JSF/RichFaces (if possible/necessary)?

Doesn't make sense time. JS can't be unified on short term base.

A separate css file should be created to overwrite richfaces scc: rich_overwrite_js.css.