Difference between revisions of "ESciDoc Application Profile project-info"

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Line 242: Line 242:
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Refines'''
| funding-programm
| funding programm
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Obligation'''

Revision as of 15:21, 9 March 2015

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eSciDoc PubMan Description Template: Project-Info[edit]

Literal Statement Templates (Properties)[edit]

Project name[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Term Name project name
Label project name
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Obligation optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Title of funding-organization[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Term Name Title of funding-organization
Label funding-organization
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range Literal
Refines funding-organization
Language Constraint yes
Obligation optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Title of funding-programm[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Term Name Title of funding-programm
Label funding-programm
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range Literal
Refines funding-programm
Language Constraint yes
Obligation optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Grant ID[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier
Term Name Grant ID
Label Grant ID
DC Definition
DC Comment
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min:0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks -

Programm ID[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier
Term Name programm ID
Label programm ID
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range Literal
Refines funding programm
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/0.1/identifier
Name Org. ID
Label Org. ID
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range Literal
Refines -
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Non-Literal Statement Templates (Properties)[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/funding-info
Term Name funding-info
Label no label
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range non-literal
Refines -
Refined by funding-organization
Refined by funding-programm
Language Constraint yes
Obligation optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Funding programm[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/funding-programm
Term Name funding programm
Label no label
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range non-Literal
Refines funding-info
Refined by title of funding-programm
Refined by programm ID
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min:0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Funding organization[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/funding-organization
Name funding organization
Label no label
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain project-info
Range non-Literal
Refines funding-info
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Related Application Profiles[edit]


Related eSciDoc Encoding Schemes[edit]
