ViRR Content Models

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Digitization Lifecycle


The ViRR resources are structurally modeled with a set of content models:

  • MultiVolumeModel: a collection of books, represented as a top-level container that aggregates one to many scanned books (-> BookModel)
  • BookModel: a law book is represented as a top-level container (or as a member container within a multi volume top-level container) that aggregates scanned pages of the book
  • BookPageModel: a scanned page of the law book is represented as an item which is a member of the book container
  • BookChapterModel: a chapter is represented as a container that is a member of the book container and aggregates a subset of selected scanned pages
  • TranscriptionModel: a transcription is represented as an item that is related to an instance of the BookPageModel item

Content model for digitized books[edit]

Content Model ViRR.jpg