Faces Searching

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UC_FAC_SR_01 Search within the collection[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule: R1


  • The user wants to search within the Faces collection.

Expected Outcome

  • The search result is displayed.


  1. The user chooses to execute an search.
  2. The system displays the search mask. The following information should be searchable: age (young, middle, old), age range, gender (female, male), person-id, emotion (neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, happiness), picture set (a, b).
  3. The user chooses one or more search/filter criteria.
    When searching for age, gender, emotion and/or picture set the user selects one ore more checkboxes.
    When searching for age range and/or person-id the user provides a search string.
    For the person-id maximum triple-digit numbers are valid search string. Smaller numbers will be handled with one (for double-digit numbers) or two (single-digit numbers) zeros are in front of them (e.g. 12 will be handled as 012). To search for several ids, its valid to separate the numbers via a semicolon.
    For the age range only double-digit numbers are valid values.
    The search criteria will be combined within one attribute through the boolean operator OR (e.g. anger or happiness) and within the different attributes through the boolean operator AND (e.g. young and happiness).
  4. The user chooses to start the search.
  5. The system searches for the defined search criteria and creates a search result containing all pictures visible to the user according to his privileges (logged in or not).
  6. The system displays the search query and the list of pictures of the search result. Include UC_FAC_BD_01 View picture list.
  7. (Optionally) The user chooses to revise the search.
    7.1 The system displays the search mask again with the filled out search criteria the user has entered before.
    7.2 Continue with step 3.
  8. The user is satisfied with the search result. The use case ends successfully.


6a. No picture matched the search request or no picture from the result set is visible to the user.
  1. The system displays a message "The ID xy does not exist". Continue with step 7.

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_FAC_SR_02 View all pictures of one person[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule: R1


  • The user wants to see all pictures from a selected person.


  • One picture is selected (in the detailed view).


  1. The user chooses to see all pictures of the person depicted on the selected picture.
  2. The system performed an ID search for the ID of the depicted person.
  3. The system displays all pictures of the person. Include UC_FAC_BD_02 View picture list.

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_FAC_SR_02 View all pictures of one person[edit]

UC_FAC_SR_02 View all pictures of one person[edit]

UC_FAC_SR_02 View all pictures of one person[edit]