Service for Control of Named Entities

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Prototype service for controlled named entities - journal names[edit]

To understand better the issues of controlled named entities for a certain application, we decided to start with a prototype service for PubMan on controlled named entitites.

Stages of prototyping:

  1. select an authority file (corporate bodies, journals, authors) and available external source
  2. create (import) data locally into an authority file from a selected source
  3. implement the referencing from the PubMan edit interface (enable automatic grow of the authority file for start when reference is not done)
  4. create very simple viewer/editor for the authority file data
  5. get feedback from potential pilot users
  6. extend the prototype with another authority file and repeat the steps 2-5
  7. modify/add functionalities based on the functional and technical feedback

Please see work in progress on Talk:Service_for_Control_of_Named_Entities