Faces Application Profile FacesPerson

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Digitization Lifecycle



Please enter all comments concerning the use cases on the discussion page.

Aim and Scope[edit]

This AP describes the 171 depicted persons of Faces with all contact management information.
It does not describe the persons who applied for an user account.

Data model[edit]

Faces person.jpg


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/
Name dcterms:
Label Dublin Core terms

Term URI http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#
Name vCard:
Label An Ontology for vCards

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms
Name escidoc:
Label eSciDoc terms

Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
Name foaf:
Label friend-of-a-friend terms

Syntax Encoding Scheme[edit]

String data type definition
Name <string>
Label Character string
Definition A string of ASCII characters. No formatting tags may be included. The following characters must be encoded for XML: '&' - '&'; '<' - '<'; '>' - '>'. A limited list of non-ASCII characters may be included encoded as character entities.

Date data type definition
Name <date>
Label Date
Defined By http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime

Character string representing a date to the complete date level of the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601

Tel data type definition
Name <tel>
Label Phone
Defined By http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt
Definition tel definition in RFC2426 section 3.3.1

email data type definition
Name <email>
Label eMail
Defined By http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt
Definition email definition in RFC2426 section 3.3.2

Describing a Person[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier
Name identifier
Label Identifier
Defined By -
DC Definition An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
DC Comment Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
eSciDoc Definition The internal identifier of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype integer
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Related to "identifier" from ESciDoc Person

Family Name[edit]

Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/family_name
Name family_name
Label Family Name
Defined by: -
FOAF Definition The family_name of some person.
FOAF Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The family name of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Same as "family name" in ESciDoc Person

Given Name[edit]

Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/givenname
Name givenname
Label Given Name
Defined by: -
FOAF Definition The given name of some person.
FOAF Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The given name of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Same as "given name" in ESciDoc Person


Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/title
Name title
Label Title
Defined by: -
FOAF Definition Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. etc)
FOAF Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The title or peerage of a person in one string.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
Best practice -
Remarks Same as "title" in ESciDoc Person


Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/gender
Name gender
Label Gender
Defined by: -
FOAF Definition The gender of this Agent (typically but not necessarily 'male' or 'female').
FOAF Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The gender of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme male, female
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/date
Name date
Label Birthday
Defined by: -
DC Definition A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.
DC Comment Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF].
eSciDoc Definition The birthday of a person in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme [W3CDTF] http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype date
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/comment
Name comment
Label Comment
Defined by: -
eSciDoc Definition A field for additional information about a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Person Contact[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/address
Name Address
Label Address
Defined by: -
eSciDoc Definition The address (street name and number, postal code and city) of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#tel
Name phone
Label Phone
Defined by: -
VCARD Definition The v:tel property specifies a telephone number of a person.
VCARD Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The phone number of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by RFC 2426 Section 3.3.1
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme Section 3.3.1 of RFC 2426.
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#email
Name email
Label Email
Defined by: -
VCARD Definition The v:email property specifies an email address.
VCARD Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The email address of a person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by RFC 2426 Section 3.3.2
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme Section 3.3.2 of RFC 2426.
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Related Application Profiles[edit]

