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Digitization Lifecycle


Faces is a collaboration of the MPDL with the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

What is Faces[edit]


FACES is a lifespan database of adult emotional facial stimuli. It contains a set of images of naturalistic faces of 171 persons, separated in three different age groups (young, middle-aged and old) displaying each of 6 facial expressions: neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness.

For more information, please visit the FACES database homepage.



  • Developed between 2005-2007
  • Currently 171 persons (men and women)
  • 2 x 6 emotions
  • 2052 pictures overall
  • Available to defined user-group only as a java-application to be ordered by request on CD


  • ID, age group, age (at the photo shooting), gender, emotion, picture group


  • Neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, happiness

Age Groups

  • Young (58 persons, range 19-31, M = 24.3, SD = 3.5), middle-aged (56 persons, range 39-55, M = 49.0, SD = 3.9), old (57 persons, range 69-80, M = 73.2, SD = 2.8)

M = Meridian
S = Standardabweichung

Picture Groups

  • a and b (only as double check, no quality criteria)


  • JPEG images
  • Attribute export as CSV

Image Resolutions

  • 819 x 1024
  • 2835 x 3543
  • Automatically generated thumbnails

What should Faces become[edit]

Faces should become an online open source solution, but with restricted access to the data because of the restricted usage rights for the photos.


The main focus of the project - next to the integration of Faces in the eSciDoc architecture - would be to add new attributes to single pictures in form of standardized metadata (e.g METS) and to implement a user management for different usage rights. Therefore, the application has to be flexible to integrate further data like the outcome of the norm study.


see Faces Scope


Currently, the MPI is working on a normstudy, for comparing their expert opinion about how an emotion have to look like with the opinion of layman. The results of this study, about 130 grouped values per picture, should be integrated in FACES. Approximately, this will not start before the end of 2008.

This results are no further metadata for the pictures, but data. This data have to be connected to the pictures, but will be stored as separate items.


19.06.07 (Berlin): Kick off Meeting

09.10.07 (Berlin): Follow up Meeting