Mapping MAB to MODS

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On this page a small mapping from MAB to MODS based on the requirements for the ViRR project will be provided.

MAB Field Label (of AP) Description German Label MODS
001 Record Identifier Local identifier Identifikationsnummer <recordInfo><recordIdentifier source="…">
010 Identifier Identifier of the parent (not displayed in GUI) <relatedItem type="host"> <identifier type="local">
037 Language Language Sprache <language> <languageTerm type="text"> ger
051 Genre Typ of structural element (not displayed in GUI) <genre type="code" authority="MAB2-051/1-3"> u (multivolume) n (volume)
089 Order Volume number Bandangabe <part type="host" order="…"> <detail> <number>
100, 104, 108 … 196 Creator Author (normed) Verfasser (normiert)

<name type="personal" authority="pnd">
<namePart type="family"> <namePart type="given">
<role> <roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator"> aut

100b, 104b, 108b … 196b Creator Associated Name (normed) Zugehörige Person (normiert)

<name type="personal" authority="pnd">
<namePart type="family"> <namePart type="given">
<role> <roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator"> asn

304 Title Uniform title Einheitssachtitel <titleInfo type="uniform"><title>
310 Title Other variant title Sachtitel <titleInfo type="alternative"><title>
341 Title Parallel title
Sachtitel <titleInfo type="translated"><title>
331 Title Main Title Hauptsachtitel <titleInfo> <title>
335 Subtitle Subtitle
Titelzusatz <titleInfo> <subtitle>
359 Note Statement of responsibility Urheber (Vorlage) <note type="statementOfResponsibility">
361 Constituent Work in a collection without collective title Beigefügte Werke <part type="constituent"> <detail> <title>
403 Edition Statement Edition Statement Ausbagebezeichnung <originInfo> <edition>



Place of publication
Place of printing

Ort <originInfo> <place> <placeTerm type="text">




Verleger <originInfo> <publisher>
425 Date issued Date of publication Publikationsdatum <originInfo> <dateIssued keyDate="yes" encoding="w3cdtf">
433 Number of Pages Collation Umfangsausgabe <physicalDescription> <extent>
501 Note Note Fußnote <note>
544 Location Shelfmark Signatur <location> <physicalLocation>
902, 907, 912 … 947 Subject Keyword Schlagwort <subject> <topic>

All subjects of one similar field (e.g. 902) shall first be mixed to a subject chain with / between each word so that the values will be handled as one subject, not as several ones.

Following bibliographic metadata is currently available (only for the exemplary books):

The bibliographic metadata will be transferred to MODS to follow the recommendation from the zvdd. Please find a preliminary mapping on the discussion page. An automatic mapping is still in preparation.