ViRR Functionalities

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Virr Medium Multivolume 31 Static.gif Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht

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The ViRR solution provides a published digital collection and a cooperative working environment for various artefacts of the legislation in the period of the Holy Roman Empire.

This page gives a short overview of all ViRR functionalities. For further support, please check our support page.


Browse2 klein.jpg
  • Browse works (multi volumes and volumes) of the ViRR collection
  • Browse a single work
    • by navigating through the scans ('Go to' functionality, next, previous etc.)
    • by navigating through the table of contents


Display klein.jpg
  • Configurable Workspace
    • View/Hide scan
    • View/Hide metadata
    • View/Hide table of contents
  • Configurable table of contents
    • View/Hide pages
    • View/Hide structural element
    • Expand/Close tree
    • Show tree level from xy to xy


Edit klein.jpg
  • Bibliographic metadata
  • Filter workspace for ToC states (Released, Under Rework)
  • Pagination
    • Free text, Arabic, Roman
    • Auto paginate
  • Table of contents
    • Add/ Delete structural element
    • Move structural element
    • Assign pages to structural element
    • Remove all pages of a structural element
    • Edit metadata of a structural element

User Management[edit]

MPDL internal administrative solution.

AdminSol klein.jpg
  • Creation of ViRR users
  • Editing of the ViRR user details
    • Password
    • Email Address
    • User Name
    • Affiliation
    • Rights
  • Deactivating of a ViRR user

Additional Features[edit]

Home klein.jpg
  • View work in DFG-Viewer
  • Different TOC status (pending/released)
  • Multilingual (english/ german)
  • Context sensitive help

Known Bugs[edit]

  • When moving structural elements in the TOC tree of the Editor Workspace, the Internet Explorer does not refresh the page when an element is moved the first or the last position on a level. This seems to be Bug of the Internet Explorer, not working correctly with Trinidad elements and therefore can not be fixed.

For upcoming Features please check the scope page.