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ViRR (Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht) is a collaboration of the MPDL with the Max Planck Institute for European History of Law.
== Aim==

Today, much information about the law of the Holy Roman Empire ("Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation") exists, but is available as multiple artefacts and distributed over several institutions and libraries. The aim of the "Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht" is to provide a <font color="#8B1A1A">'''digital collection and cooperative working environment'''</font>  for various legal artefacts of the period of the <font color="#8B1A1A">''' Holy Roman Empire'''</font>  , based on the infrastructure of [http://www.escidoc.org/ eSciDoc].

== Introduction ==
== Summary ==

The institute already has some experiences with digital collections, e.g in the scope of their [http://www.mpier.uni-frankfurt.de/dlib/index.html Digital Library].
ViRR is a <font color="#8B1A1A">'''virtual research platform'''</font> for the <font color="#8B1A1A">'''digital preservation and dissemination'''</font> of cultural heritage content like images and texts from the period of the Holy Roman Empire. The basis of ViRR is a collection of 42 digitized works.  

These scans are published <font color="#8B1A1A">'''open access'''</font> and are enhanced with browsing and navigation functionalities. ViRR supports the users in the production of digital content for online presentation and collaboration. This process contains editing of metadata, <font color="#8B1A1A">'''enrichment of the content'''</font> with structural information or, in future, enhancement of the collection with related resources such as annotations and transcriptions.

=== Vision ===
The vision of ViRR is to provide a scientific online  workbench for researchers from different backgrounds, working together on the same resources to achieve <font color="#8B1A1A">'''new insights'''</font> in their field of interest. For that it is sought to create a virtual environment where the, yet widely spread and loosely coupled, works of the Holy Roman Empire are collected and published.

A lot of information about the law of the Holy Roman Empire exists, but is distributed over several institutions and libraries. For decentralization, an  overall internet platform is desirable.

The beginning should be to provide the already existing digital scans of 15 books (together more than 16000 pictures) online with free browsing and navigation functionalities. Further on, the collection should be expanded with the transcriptions of the Table of Contents of the books and the later on with the whole transcriptions of all pages.
<div align="center">
|- class="wikitable" style= "clear:center; float:right; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; border:2px solid #dddddd"
| <div align="left"> <br/>'''Find''' the latest version of ViRR on our live instance: <br/>'''http://virr.mpdl.mpg.de''' <br/><br/>  </div>
|| [[Image:Home.png‎|500px]]

One step further would be to expand the collection with pictures, secondary literature, sources, publications and digitized works from other institutions and projects like the [http://drw-www.adw.uni-heidelberg.de/drw/ DRW], the [http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/Archiv_Einzeldarstellung.395+M57b13bd0f7f.0.html?&L=tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D%3D572 cooperation between BSB and GoogleBooks], information from library catalogs, databases of the institute and further documentations like the [http://www.mpier.uni-frankfurt.de/virtuellerlesesaal/wissensplatform_policey.html Polizeyordnungen].
== Future Development ==

Further on, a overall collection of links suitable for the "Reichsrecht" should be integrated analog to the [http://www.mpier.uni-frankfurt.de/virtuellerlesesaal/portale.html link collection of the institute] concerning the whole European History of Law.
The development for the ViRR project is finished since end of 2010 the ideas and findings will run in the new project [[Digitization_Lifecycle | Digitisation Lifecycle]].

Last but not least a possibility for an overall search in all integrated sources is desirable. This search should include an index and a list of synonyms for the different spellings of the titles.
== Functionalities ==

A detailed description of all ViRR functionalities can be found on the [[ViRR_Functionalities | functionalities page]].

=== Aim ===
== Research Context ==
* Simple <font color="#8B1A1A">'''accessibility'''</font> of the research materials via a web application.
* <font color="#8B1A1A">'''Long-term archiving'''</font> of research materials.
* <font color="#8B1A1A">'''Persistent referencing'''</font> of a collection and its content.
* Improved <font color="#8B1A1A">'''visibility'''</font> of the institute and its holdings.

The "Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht" will provide a digital compilation and working environment for various artefacts of the period of the German Holy Empire. VIRRR will be a published collection and also an cooperative working environment. The collection will be indexed, edited, and enlarged cooperatively within the discipline.
== Partners ==

Possible working scenarios are:
ViRR (Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht) is a collaboration of the MPDL with the [http://www.mpier.uni-frankfurt.de/index.html Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (MPIeR)]. The institute already has experiences with digital collections, see e.g their [http://www.mpier.uni-frankfurt.de/dlib/index.html Digital Library].
* Submission of digitized work
* Transcription and markup of the digitized work
* Assignment of keywords and synonyms to the digitized work
* Annotations (with different visibilities) of the digitized work
* Adding (external) lexical corpora
* Publishing of digitised works
* search in collection
* browse and display collection
* create personal working sets within the environment

=== Current Status ===
The project is coordinated by Dr. Sigrid Amedick, head of the institutes library.
The basic start content of 42 works, the physical as well as the digitized artefacts belong to the holdings of the institute.

Currently, only the digitized work ("Digitalisate") of the relevant books are available [http://inkunabeln.ub.uni-koeln.de/drqedit/ here] (belongs to other digitized work from the cooperation of the institute with the Heidelberger Akademie). All pictures are saved in four different sizes: fil < film < indiv < max. The original Tiffs are hosted by the GWGD. The names of the folders and files are derived from the signatures of the institute (analog to the list of digitized work).
== Re-Use of ViRR ==

* The images are available as tiff, pdf, jpeg (for colored pictures) and giff (for black and white pictures).
The ViRR solution enables to maintain collections of digitized artefacts, such as text corpora, digitized journals or drawings.
* During the digitalization, uncompressed images with a high resolution and a 24 bit color depth were created. This images serve as archive format. Based on them, the other formats for the internet presentation and the download are created.
It provides...
* browsing functionalities based on user-defined table of contents (ToCs)
* an editing interface for enriching the ToC with descriptive metadata and other structural elements, such as chapters, appendices or folders
* import and export of data (e.g. METS)

* The bibliographical data of the digitized works can be delivered by the institute in sisis MAB ("Maschienenlesbares Austauschformat für Bibliotheken"). MAB describes one special data structure which is used on libraries for the exchange of metadata.

== Requirements ==
[[User:Kleinfercher|'''Friederike Kleinfercher''']]<br/>
Max Planck Digital Library<br/>

=== Functional Requirements ===
For questions, proposals, comments...

'''Visibility and privileges'''
please send a message to the '''[mailto:virr-support@gwdg.de ViRR Support]'''.

* Two different views of the data are required. One for registered users and one for unregistered users.
* The digitized works are all public visible.
* Privileges for a registered user have to be defined

* structural navigation through digitised works (Browsing in all digitized items)
* Paginator (go to original or scanned page number)
* Google site map or similar site structure view
* Zoom functionality (e.g. Digilib)
* display of metadata (details? configurable? re-use?)
* download of single image in original (or different?) format
* Downloading (and printing) several digitized work in one document (conversion from several tiffs to one pdf)
* Export to which formats required?
* What is exported?
* page is part of book
* toc is part of book
* transcription is for page
* translations?
* versions?
* other relations?
'''Persistent Identifier (PID)'''
PIDs are needed not only for the books, but also for special parts of the books (details have to be specified).
'''Synonym Lists'''
* a controlled list for synonyms for subject headings (first: generate basic subject headings out of title, second: enrich headings with help of synonym list)
* controlled by whom and which privileges?
* how to create start content?
=== Technical Requirements ===
=== Corporate Design Requirements ===
* The name of the institute should be visible on every page
== Metadata ==
'''Technical Metadata'''
One component of the eSciDoc framework called JHOVE is able to extract all technical metadata currently saved in the pictures.
=== Data formats ===
Several metadata standards for the representation of the structural metadata are in discussion.
The usage of an editor for the metadata has to be considered (e.g. GOBI for METS) for offline usage/preparation of metadata.
'''1. eBind'''
[http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Ebind/ eBind] was developed in (1996) but has never been finished as a international standard. But because a small tool for converting eBind files into HTML pages was available ([http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/ebind2html/2/breen?cap eBind2HTML]), eBind was used very often. In 1998 "MOA2" ([http://sunsite3.berkeley.edu/MOA2/ Making of America]) was developed out of eBind. MOA2 then become [http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/ METS] as part of the standardization process.
*eBind enables to structure the texts in paragraphs.
*eBind does not enable to mark up journals, because its not possible to define one author per article, only per book.
'''2. METS'''
* METS enables the mark up of front, cover, etc.
* METS is an international standard. It displays the hierarchical structure, the name and the location of the data storage and the metadata of objects. --> METS is like a container.
no direkt translation into eSciDoc internal format (basic services)
''' 3. eSciDoc native format'''
will be checked
== Further information ==
The following tools are needed for the production of raw data
* A xml editor for the acquisition of structural data.
* OCR for the production of transcriptions.
* A tool for the transformation of the archive pictures (tiff) to formats appropriate for the internet (gif, jpeg, PDF). This tool should include an automatic image quality correction.
* The source of the digitized works are in the public domain. The digitized works them selfs don't have a copyright, they are free for further usage.
* Only integrated secondary literature have to be checked for copyright licenses.
'''Related links/interesting digitization projects'''
* Later on, further books should be digitalized. Therefore, a collaboration with the DTA ([http://www.bbaw.de/bbaw/Forschung/Forschungsprojekte/dta/de/Startseite Deutsches Text Archiv]) will be discussed. The aim of the DTA is to create a digital collection with several hundred million tokens (words) from German documents. This collection should contain the scans and transcriptions of the documents and should reflect a representative picture of the linguistic and cultural development of starting from the middle of the 17th century until now.
* Rules for digitisation (DFG, March 2007, in german) [http://www.gdz-cms.de/uploads/media/Praxisregeln_Digitalisierung_Maerz_2007_DFG.pdf Praxisregeln Digitalisierung]
== Project Management ==
=== Meetings ===
18.06.07 (Frankfurt): Kick off Meeting
22.10.07 (Frankfurt): Follow up Meeting
=== Work in Progress ===
Next steps:
* preparation work for starting ingestion of 2 volumes (scanned pages and bibliographic data)
* conversion local MAB data to eSciDoc xml
* conversion eBind to METS (METS as import, export format)
* evaluate METS as possible format for local generation/enrichment of metadata (until 22nd oct latest, next meeting)
* check editor tool for prepare/enrich metadata via METS (GOOBI)
[[ViRR Schedule]]
[[ViRR Scope]]
[[Category:Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht| ]]
[[Category:Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht| ]]

Latest revision as of 09:05, 28 September 2011

Virr Medium Multivolume 31 Static.gif Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht

Copyright and Disclaimer

Application Profile · Content Models
Metadata Display · ViRR Metadata
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Development · Planning · Feedback
Related Projects:
Judicial Journals · Late Scholasticism
Digitization Lifecycle



Today, much information about the law of the Holy Roman Empire ("Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation") exists, but is available as multiple artefacts and distributed over several institutions and libraries. The aim of the "Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht" is to provide a digital collection and cooperative working environment for various legal artefacts of the period of the Holy Roman Empire , based on the infrastructure of eSciDoc.


ViRR is a virtual research platform for the digital preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage content like images and texts from the period of the Holy Roman Empire. The basis of ViRR is a collection of 42 digitized works.

These scans are published open access and are enhanced with browsing and navigation functionalities. ViRR supports the users in the production of digital content for online presentation and collaboration. This process contains editing of metadata, enrichment of the content with structural information or, in future, enhancement of the collection with related resources such as annotations and transcriptions.

The vision of ViRR is to provide a scientific online workbench for researchers from different backgrounds, working together on the same resources to achieve new insights in their field of interest. For that it is sought to create a virtual environment where the, yet widely spread and loosely coupled, works of the Holy Roman Empire are collected and published.

Find the latest version of ViRR on our live instance:


Future Development[edit]

The development for the ViRR project is finished since end of 2010 the ideas and findings will run in the new project Digitisation Lifecycle.


A detailed description of all ViRR functionalities can be found on the functionalities page.

Research Context[edit]

  • Simple accessibility of the research materials via a web application.
  • Long-term archiving of research materials.
  • Persistent referencing of a collection and its content.
  • Improved visibility of the institute and its holdings.


ViRR (Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht) is a collaboration of the MPDL with the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (MPIeR). The institute already has experiences with digital collections, see e.g their Digital Library.

The project is coordinated by Dr. Sigrid Amedick, head of the institutes library. The basic start content of 42 works, the physical as well as the digitized artefacts belong to the holdings of the institute.

Re-Use of ViRR[edit]

The ViRR solution enables to maintain collections of digitized artefacts, such as text corpora, digitized journals or drawings. It provides...

  • browsing functionalities based on user-defined table of contents (ToCs)
  • an editing interface for enriching the ToC with descriptive metadata and other structural elements, such as chapters, appendices or folders
  • import and export of data (e.g. METS)

Friederike Kleinfercher
Max Planck Digital Library


For questions, proposals, comments...

please send a message to the ViRR Support.